Page 7 of Saint
Still though.He cracked the window for her, allowing some fresh air to circulate.
“She’s right,” Dash agreed. “You really should quit.”
What? Now everyone suddenly cared about his health? Saint turned toward Chinatown as he scoffed, “Yeah, okay. Thanks, and tell Eden I said hi.”
Dash snorted. “Sure, but she still thinks you’re a piece of shit for taking that shot at her.”
Saint chuckled and disconnected the call. It was a running joke, although he was probably the only one who found it funny.
“Who was that?” Mia asked, moving back up and resting her arms on the seat. Her soft vanilla scent filled his nose, but he did his best to ignore it. “Is Eden your girlfriend?”
“What? No.”
“Who is she?”
“None of your business. Now sit back.”
“You weren’t this grumpy at the bar.”
“I’m always grumpy,” he insisted.
“No, you were kind of charming.”
“I’m not charming. I’m an asshole whose patience is running out fast with you, so sit back and shut the fuck up.”
When she didn’t hit him with a comeback, Saint glanced in the rear view mirror. Maybe that had been a little harsh. Her brows were pinched together and he could’ve sworn he saw a wave of hurt wash over her pretty face before she sat back and crossed her arms.
“Wow. That was rude,” she murmured.
“Get used to it,” he grumbled, telling himself he didn’t care if he hurt her feelings. Even so, he met her sky-blue eyes in the mirror and, yep, she was looking at him like he was a bastard. Good. Better that she see the real Nikolai Vasilevsky now rather than create some imaginary man in her head who she mistakenly believed was a good guy. He’d only been nice to her at the bar because he’d needed to trick her into coming with him.
Mission accomplished.
He certainly didn’t care that she was so much prettier than he’d expected. And he wasn’t remembering the soft, almost shy way she’d smiled at him—and how he’d liked it. Nope. Mia Carlisle was nothing but a means to an end. A way to lure Chadwick Carlisle right where they wanted him. Then Saint would pull the trigger without thinking twice.
When the moment came, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill her father. And then she would hate him more than she already did.
Mia had no idea where they were going or why Nik had taken her. Maybe she should be more worried, but something about him felt…familiar. It was the strangest damn thing. They’d never met before the Sip & Spark, and when she’d basically turned him down, he’d picked her up and tossed her into his car.She should be a trembling, freaked-out mess, right? Instead, she was…curious. Intrigued.
Well, until he snapped at her. Now her feelings were hurt. She’d always been far too sensitive, and she knew it. Still though, he didn’t have to be rude.
They reached Chinatown and Nik parked the SUV in a gloomy alley behind a brick building. He climbed out, walked around and opened the back door, but she didn’t move, only sat there, arms still crossed, forcing him to lean down and peer in.
“What’re you waiting for? An engraved invitation?”
“How about an explanation?” she countered.
“How about you get your ass out of the car before I forcibly remove it?”
Narrowing her eyes, she scooted across the seat and slid out. “You could’ve just asked nicely. Manners go a long way.”
He hiked a dark brow and she focused on the scar that slashed through it. It was undeniably but inexplicably sexy, just like his tattoos and the way he wore all black. The smoking, however, she could do without. The obnoxious smell clung to him and she wrinkled her nose in disgust.
“Would you kindly accompany me into the building, Miss Carlisle?” he asked, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Do I have a choice?”