Page 8 of Saint
“No,” he gritted out.
With a huff, she took a step then abruptly halted. Alarm bells clanged in her head. “Wait a second. How do you know my last name?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Since the moment he’d snatched her from the bar’s parking lot, her mind had gone haywire. At first, she thought he was a serial killer and she’d just become his next victim. Then she worried he might hurt, torture or sexually abuse her. But, he’d kept his distance and didn’t give off pervert vibes. No, he gave off a very mysterious air and oozed danger. But the kind of danger a warrior exuded. She wondered if he’d been in the military or CIA or something equally risky. But his last comment and the fact he knew her last name—this had to have something to do with her father. It was the only explanation that made sense.
“Move it,” he growled, taking her elbow and forcefully escorting her to the building. Once they reached the glass door, Nik glanced down at his phone then punched a number on the keypad beside it. When it buzzed, he shoved it open with one arm, nodding for her to go in first. “After you, Goldilocks.”
Mia gave him an overly sugary smile and swept past. Even though she and her father weren’t close, she knew he dabbled in all sorts of questionable things. His love of money and power eclipsed all, including her. So, if Nik planned on using her to get to her father, he was about to get a rude awakening.
Chadwick Carlisle didn’t give a shit about his daughter. He never had, and Mia didn’t see that changing in the near future.
“Up,” Nik ordered gruffly, nodding to the staircase.
Surrounded by gloom and quiet, they trudged up the dusty stairs, side by side.
“How far up are we going?” she asked, pausing to peek up through the railing and trying to see how many floors were above them.
“Until I say stop.”
“Oh.” God, how had she ever thought this man was charming? He was a prickly SOB, the furthest thing from Prince Charming. If this were a fairytale, he’d be a frog for sure. Or better yet, a toad.
Sneaking a side glance, she studied his stern profile. The firm, angular jaw, stubbornly set and covered in dark stubble. The bump in the middle of his nose which made her think he’d broken it at least once. The black flames inked on his neck licking upward.
A shiver ran through her, but it wasn’t from fear. The idea that she could be attracted to a man who was holding her against her will was a little disturbing.
What the hell is wrong with me?she wondered.Am I so desperate to lose my virginity that this barbarian looks good?
Yes. The answer to that question was a resounding yes. But she wouldn’t dare let herself continue with that line of thought. Nik might possess a dark sex appeal that was making her lonely kitty purr, but she wouldn’t know what to do with all that muscle and ink and surliness. Plus, she had a pretty good feeling he wasn’t a man who took things slow in the bedroom. No, he’d ram and pound and fuck like a piston. Not exactly how she wanted her first time to go. She wouldn’t be able to walk after Mr. Dangerous was done with her. And she certainly wouldn’t be able to run if the opportunity to escape presented itself.
By the time they reached the top floor, Mia was breathing hard. Damn, she really shouldn’t have stopped doing yoga. Once she was out of this mess, she vowed to start working out again. As they walked down the sixth-floor hallway, Nik checked apartment numbers. He stopped in front of apartment six-twelve then pulled a small tool from his pocket. Mia watchedclosely as he stuck it in the keyhole and worked it around with obvious finesse.
“You’re picking the lock?” She probably shouldn’t be surprised that he possessed such a shady talent.
“Don’t exactly have a key,” he grumbled.
“Where’d you learn how to do that?”
“You don’t wanna know.” She heard a soft click and he pushed the door open. “After you, Miss Carlisle.”
The tight way he said her last name, his teeth clenched around the syllables, practically confirmed her suspicions. This wasn’t about her. Somehow, she’d gotten swept up into some drama that connected back to Chadwick Carlisle.
Once Nik realized she was a useless pawn who wouldn’t help his game, what would he do with her?
Another shiver ran through her body, and this time it was definitely out of fear.
Chapter Three
The apartment wasn’t glamorous, but it would do. After locking the door, Saint flipped on a lamp and quickly swept the studio unit. There wasn’t much to it other than a daybed, table with two chairs, miniscule kitchen and a bathroom he’d barely be able to turn around in. But, at least it was a safe place to lay low until he and his team figured out the best way to use Mia Carlisle.
Speaking of which…
She stood there looking like a bright, beautiful light in a dark and depressing setting. He fought the urge to move closer, to bask in her warmth. Instead, he stood there, refusing to budge, and clenched his fists. What was it about her that drew him in and made him want to absorb whatever she seemed to be radiating?
Then it hit him, harder than a kick to the nuts.
She possessed an innocence, a goodness, that he forgot existed. All his life, he’d been surrounded by darkness, deception and death. He’d had to steal, cheat and kill to survive, especially as an orphan growing up on the cold streets of St. Petersburg. The kindness of strangers had been a rare luxury back then and, as he’d gotten older, he’d learned most people were just selfish assholes. Himself included.