Page 129 of Jackass
“Followed her where?” King demanded.
“How would I know?” I moved to stand, and Zero was there, offering a hand. Blade helped Jack up off the floor, and together we moved to the couch.
“Mimic and I left here to go to The Bookstore. Rachel, Grace, and Beck were there with Ryder, and we were all talking when Ryder saw Carrie out on the sidewalk.”
“Why the fuck isn’t Ryder here telling me this shit?” King hissed.
“He refused to come,” Jack told him.
“Why?” King asked.
We all turned to look at Blade.
He closed his eyes, and his shoulders slumped.
“You need to fix your fucking shit, brother,” King said, pointing at him.
“I know. He won’t fucking talk to me,” Blade explained, throwing his arms in the air.
King shook his head and looked at me. “Continue.”
“Ryder left the bookstore after spotting Carrie. That was when I noticed she was talking to Derek, so I followed him outside.”
Jack growled next to me, and I refused to look at him.
“Mimic tried to stop me, but I went anyway. He was rightbehind me the whole time,” I said, patting Jack on the leg, trying to calm him down.
“Once Carrie saw me, she took off, so I told Mimic to go after her. He didn’t want to go. Ryder promised he would stay with me and sent him after her,” I explained.
King turned and looked at Blade again.
“I want him in this fucking club, so you need to fix this shit,” he said.
“I’m fucking trying.” Blade sighed, exasperated. We all knew the story behind why Ryder hadn’t forgiven Blade, and why Ryder was refusing to join the club. Ryder was stubborn. He wasn’t going to make it easy for Blade.
“Try fucking harder,” King snarled, then turned back to me. “Go on, Samantha.”
“Are you done interrupting?” I clipped, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning into Jack.
King angled his face toward the ceiling, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.
“God save us from snarky fucking women,” he muttered.
“Then don’t be an asshole,” Grace challenged.
King snapped his head in her direction and glared. She glared right back at him.
“You don’t scare me,” Grace said defiantly.
“You’ll be scared when I put you over my fucking knee,” King threatened.
“Promises, promises.” Grace smirked, then walked away.
“Fuck,” King whispered, hanging his head.
I wasn’t sure what was going on with those two, but every time they were in a room together, it was like watching a tennis match. They volleyed insults back and forth in rapid fire.
“I asked Derek about Carrie, and he confirmed he knew her. But he knew her as Marsha,” I explained. “When the sheriff showed up and Beck said she called him about Carrie, Derek had a weird look on his face. He asked if she had hurt Charlie. He told me he knew she had been in prison, so he knew she had a child. It was like the pieces finally fitted together, and suddenlyeverything made sense.”