Page 130 of Jackass
Jack put his arm around me, holding me close.
“So, Marsha Wade, AKA Carrie St. James, was in a relationship with Derek Reynolds. They have a child together in 2013, but Derek isn’t involved in their lives. In 2015, Marsha loses her child to CPS. Derek marries you, Sam, in 2016. The same year Marsha goes to prison. In 2018, Marsha gets released, changes her identity and becomes Carrie. Finds out Derek’s married and stalks Sam, becomes her friend, and when Derek beats the shit out of Sam, she whisks her away into hiding. Then, four years later, Sam and Jack reconnect. In her delusion, Carrie sees Jack as a threat, someone who will take away another child from her. Jack and Sam fall in love. Sam sends Derek divorce papers, therefore bringing him here, and everything gets revealed. Have I got everything?” Stocks asked.
“In a nutshell,” I replied.
“God, it’s like a fucking soap opera,” he stated, shaking his head. “Had I known when I joined this club that you all were fucking head cases, I might have had second thoughts.”
Beck walked over to Stocks and threw her arm around his shoulder.
“Who are you kidding, George? You are the biggest head case here. Just wait until you find a woman. The club was exactly what you needed.” She smiled sweetly at Stocks.
“Fuck off, Beck,” Stocks clipped with a scowl, causing Beck to throw her head back and laugh.
“You love me, and you know it.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “You always have.”
The front door of the clubhouse opened, and Mimic walked in. I jumped to my feet and rushed over to him, pulling him into my arms.
“Are you ok?” I asked when I leaned back to look at him.
“I lost her,” he confessed. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey, no. You don’t have to apologize. You did what you could,” I assured him.
“Like fuck he doesn’t. How the hell did you lose her?” Jackshouted, walking toward us.
I turned to face Jack.
Standing in front of Mimic, I refused to let Jack berate him.
“Hey. Mimic is the only one who has even gotten close to finding her. You all have been sitting on your asses,” I yelled back.
“No, Jack. Mimic hesitated because he promisedyouhe would protect me,” I said, pushing my finger into his chest. “If he wasn’t loyal and trustworthy, he would have just taken off immediately. You will not condemn him for being exactly what you all look for in a brother.”
I grabbed Mimic by the arm and tugged him over to a table to sit down. King slapped Jack on the back and just grinned. He came over and sat across from Mimic and me.
“Do you want a drink, honey? Or something to eat?” I asked him.
“No, Momma, I don’t need anything,” he told me with a smile.
“Tell us what happened, Mimic,” King said, and I turned to glare at him. He held his hands up in surrender.
“Ryder told me to go. Said he would protect Sam. I made a judgment call. I knew Blade trusted Ryder, so I figured I could too.”
“It was the right call, Mimic,” Beck assured, patting his shoulder as she sat down on the other side of him.
“Sweetheart,” King started.
“Stuff it,UncleKing,” Beck said with a grin.
“Fucking women,” King hissed.
King waved his hand in a circular motion, silently telling Mimic to continue.
“I jumped on my bike and took off after her. She has a car. I have the license plate.”
He grabbed his phone out of his pocket, opened it, and handed it to Nav.