Page 50 of Jackass
Crazy fucking shit.
“They did. They rescued a lot of women, unfortunately some were just moved to someone else under the guise of rescue. Thankfully, that didn’t happen to me. They helped me get away, get a fresh start. It is because of that MC that I am ok being here, doing what I do. That’s also why I stick to the young guys. No one over twenty-five. I am thirty years old. I don’t want to get married. I don’t want to have kids. I want to live on my terms. Here, I get to do that.”
Amber had never shown an interest in me. Now I knew why. Hearing her story made me curious about the other girls thatwere here. Did they all have pasts like Amber?
“Jack, the reason I am telling you all this is that, yes, I got out. However, I didn’t do it on my own. I needed help. I would never have been able to get away alone. Sam did. She got herself out before it got really bad. That takes a strength most women don’t have, Jack. So just be careful with her.”
Amber stood from the bar and kissed my cheek. As she walked away, I sat there thinking about everything she had gone through. I needed to check with King and see how much he knew about the club girls’ pasts.
“Goodnight, Sam.” I turned at Amber’s words. Sammy was standing at the end of the bar, watching me.
“Everything ok?” I asked.
Sammy slowly walked over to where I was sitting. I turned on my stool so my back was against the bar. Sammy stood in front of me.
“I just needed a drink,” she whispered, biting the corner of her lip.
My hands found her hips, and I pulled her between my legs.
“Is that all you needed?”
Sammy dropped her eyes from mine. Something was bothering her. I lifted her chin with a single finger so I could see her eyes once again.
“Hey, what is it? What’s bothering you?”
“It’s nothing. It’s none of my business,” she muttered, dropping her eyes again.
“Ask me, Sammy.” I had a feeling I knew what it was.
“Um, have you, uh… have you and Amber ever… um” She couldn’t finish her question. Clearly embarrassed, she turned away from me, looking toward the hallway.
“Have I fucked Amber?”
Sammy closed her eyes and sighed. “Jack.”
I chuckled at her frustration with me.
“No, baby, I have never fucked Amber. Would you like to know which club girls I’ve fucked?” I asked her.
Sammy tried to pull away, but I held her tight, wrapping mylegs around her knees so she couldn’t leave.
She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me. I knew I was pissing her off. We would eventually have to have this conversation. May as well be now.
“Do you want to know?”
Sammy rolled her eyes at me. “Fine, just tell me.”
“I haven’t fucked any of them,” I said.
Her eyebrows furrowed, and I would swear she was angrier now.
“Don’t lie to me, Jack.”
“I have never lied to you, not once,” I countered, looking at her with one eyebrow raised. Reminding her without words that she couldn’t say the same.