Page 187 of His Hungry Wolf
With her claws free to dig into the ice, it scratched itself out of the water and into the air. Clawing, he pulled us out. When he was lying on his belly next to Cage, he sprung to her feet. Quickly looking around, we locked our gaze on Titus who was staring at us with a lot less surprise than he should have had.
“Cage, crawl back. Quin, you have to walk very carefully away from the hole,” Titus instructed calling my wolf, Quin.
After Cage reached back into the water and snagged my pants, which luckily still contained my phone and cards, we both did what we were told and were eventually on what felt like solid ice. Once there, I quickly shifted back into a human. Kneeling on the ice, it took a moment for the heat from my shift to leave me. Once it was gone, I was wet and naked while kneeling on ice.
“Are you okay? You hurt?” Cage asked taking off his jacket and wrapping it around me.
That was a good question. Was I hurt? The sound of the crack as I hit the ice flashed through my mind. There was an ache in the back of my head where it had made contact.
“I think so,” I said touching my head where it hit.
“Let me see. Are you bleeding?”
I removed my hand and looked at it. Cage moved around me to see for himself.
“I don’t think so. I think I’m good.”
“Jesus, Quin,” he said again looking me in the eyes and throwing his arms around me.
“I’m okay,” I assured him not convinced that I was.
“You’re a wolf shifter. We didn’t guess that,” Titus said drawing our attention.
Cage turned to Titus angrily. “What do you mean, “We didn’t guess that?” And my boyfriend just turned into a wolf. Why aren’t you more surprised?”
“And, who’s “we”?” I said through my chattering teeth.
“I need to take you to see Dr. Tom,” Titus said calmly.
“I’m fine. I don’t need to see a doctor,” I told him.
“You might be. But, he’s going to need to talk to you about a few things.”
“Like what?” Cage barked defensively.
“Like why I’m not more surprised to find out you’re a wolf shifter.”
“We’re not going anywhere until you tell us what’s going on,” Cage insisted.
“Don’t do that. Quin is cold and wet. Let’s at least get him to my truck. You can decide what you wannna do after that,” Titus said soberly.
Cage looked at me. I was in no condition to refuse the offer.
“Okay. But we’re gonna need answers.”
“Dr. Tom will give them to you. And Quin, considering you’re naked and barefoot, you might wanna consider shifting into your wolf for the hike back. I mean, unless Cage is planning on carrying you on a broken leg for half a mile.”
I had to admit that it wasn’t a bad idea. I looked at Cage for confirmation. He nodded. So, taking off his jacket, I fell onto my hands and knees and allowed my wolf to take over.
“Fuck, Titus, what the hell were you doing taking us on thin ice?” Cage yelled turning to him.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think it was thin. It’s been frozen all winter. Didn’t I tell him not to walk in a line?”
“Don’t blame Quin for this.”
“I’m just sayin’, if he would have followed my instructions, nothing would have happened.”
Cage stared at him angrily. “Your Dr. Tom better have some answers. That’s all I’m saying.”