Page 315 of His Hungry Wolf
“It was an interesting day.”
“Where’s Nero?”
“Washing off the interesting day, I’m guessing.”
Quin laughed. “Something to drink?”
“Absolutely. By the way, should I worry about him?”
Cage replied. “Did he go silent and ask for space?”
Cage shrugged. “Just give him a few minutes. I’m sure he’ll be down when he’s ready. Meanwhile, I’ll start dinner.”
The cider I was handed made it a lot easier to relax. As the alcohol kicked in, I joined in on the conversation. After everything Nero told me today about his mother, I saw her differently. It was hard not to see his upbringing as abusive.
She was clearly going through a mental health crisis with no one to help her. It was an unfortunate situation for everyone involved. But I couldn’t help but take Nero’s side.
Despite that, I tried to be as friendly as I could and make the best impression I could on her. She was still the mother of the guy I was in love with. No matter how I felt about her, she would never stop being that.
“Nero said that you’re thinking about going back to work. Do you have any idea what you would want to do?”
“I don’t know. Whatever’s available.”
“I told you, Mama, you don’t have to take just anything. I can take care of you. If you want to work, find something you’d enjoy doing,” Cage insisted.
“That’s not the way it is around here, Cage. This isn’t New York. You take the work you can find.”
“No one’s mistaking this for New York, Mama. Quin?”
“Not me,” he joked.
“See. And all I’m saying is that you don’t have to go find something that will make you unhappy. You can take your time. Figure out what you want to do. When you have, go do that.”
She shook her head as if trying to get used to the idea. “That’s not the way it worked in my day.”
“We get that. But you have two sons now.”
“I’ve got three sons,” she said looking at Quin.
“Thanks, Mama,” Quin said.
“Which reminds me, when are you two going to make things official?”
Quin and Cage looked at each other.
“In time,” Cage said with a smile.
“It’s wonderful seeing how much you accept Cage and Quin being together. I’m not sure my parents would be so accepting.”
“Your family would have a problem with us?” Nero said joining us in the living room. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. It looked like he had just gotten out of the shower.
As drool-worthy as he looked, I hadn’t missed that Nero had referred to us as if we were already a couple.
“My parents, or at least the people who raised me, have criticized every choice I’ve ever made. They did everything they could to make me as boring as they were. I think that’s what started me pushing people’s limits. If they wanted something to criticize, I would give it to them. And, the more they, or anyone resisted, the harder I pushed.”
“How did that work out for you?” Nero asked.