Page 342 of His Hungry Wolf
“Okay, that’s never gonna happen, ever! There’s too much that has gone on between us.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“But, there are a lot of people out there who are willing to help you. Some of them have got to know about shifters and this world. What I’m saying is, there’s a way out of anger and pain. You just have to look for it.”
Evan’s gaze dipped. A moment of silence went by before he spoke again.
“Can I ask you something?”
“What’s that?”
“Why were you so mean to me that first day? Because it really hurt.”
I thought back. I didn’t remember much of it. For the most part, it was just another day. Was this how he remembered all of the days he hurt me?
“I don’t know. I was probably just being insecure. Or, maybe I was just being a dick,” I admitted. “I was dealing with a lot back then.”
Evan held out his hands in front of him and slowly pointed his fingers towards himself mirroring my gesture. He didn’t do it as forcefully as I had, but I got his point.
“Can I ask you another question?”
“Do you forgive me?”
I stared at him. Did I forgive Evan Carter, star of my nightmares and terrorizer of my youth?
“Evan, you hurt me. I’m still dealing with the scars.”
“If it makes you feel any better, so am I. I wake up screaming having dreamed about what I did to you back then.”
“You have nightmares about what you did to me?”
“All the time. It haunts me. I was kinda glad when you had your friend beat the shit out of me. I thought I would be able to consider us even. But, it didn’t change anything.”
“Which is why you came here?”
“And why I’ve been seeing you around campus.”
Evan looked away.
“And why I saw you around campus so much my freshman year?”
He looked at the ground.
“So, I wasn’t going insane. That really was you.”
“I was here but I never saw you. The campus is big and I couldn’t smell you. This was the first time I had any idea where you were and it was because I heard you.”
“But I’ve seen you on campus staring at me.”
“I don’t know what to tell you. Could it be a fae thing?”
I thought about that. Maybe it was a fae thing. Could I have been sensing that he was around and having a vision about it? Was that something faes did?
“So, do you?” Evan said sheepishly.