Page 46 of Swords and Curses
"My son, Eldon, has seen it in a vision, and there is a fugitive from the queen's court that reports this also."
"A fugitive? They could be a spy, my king."
"Do you think that I'm so foolish as to let a spy amongst us?" Eli questioned, his voice dangerously soft. "I vouch for them and that should be enough for the likes of you."
"Of course. I meant no disrespect," Richard bowed apologetically. "It has been a long time since the fae has paid this much attention to us. Forgive me for my suspicion."
"Stay suspicious, Riverclear, for the Seelie are treacherous creatures. I've taken this fugitive's blood, and so you can rest easy. She is more than willing to kill the Seelie alongside us. Were my son able to join us, he too would vouch for her." Eli gave Rosa a questioning look, but she shook her head. Wherever Eldon was, he wasn't interested in being beckoned to meetings.
Nimue woketo the soft crackling pop sounds of the fire and Eldon's soft snoring. For the first time since she was released from the lake, her mind felt clear. More importantly, it felt like her own again.
On the opposite side of the room, Eldon dozed in an armchair. He looked drawn from using so much magic the night before, but he was still the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen.
He'd barely aged in their long time apart. Only his eyes carried the weight of the years. She longed to ask him about his life if only to hear his voice. Gods save her, that voice. She knew by all the laws of nature she should be dead, but that voice had called her back from wherever her soul was journeying.
Nimue pulled the blanket up to her chin, ignoring the twinge in her shoulder and went back to sleep with the secret hope she might be able to win his trust back one day.
Rosa stoodoutside the gate of the cottage wondering if she should go in.It is your cottage, after all, a voice in the back ofher mind said.It's not like you are going to interrupt anything. Rosa bit her lip. She'd seen the way Eldon had defended Nimue to Zalan.
During the battle, something had changed between them, and she didn't know what that meant. She gripped the bags in her hands tighter before pushing open the gate and knocking on the door.
"Rosa, perfect timing," Eldon answered the door and pulled on his coat. "I need to go and talk to Eli. Nimue is on the couch recovering. Can you…" Eldon seemed to struggle for the right words.
"I'll watch over her. I thought she might need some clean clothes and some breakfast."
"You're a saint." Eldon kissed her forehead on his way out. "I'll be back as soon as I can."
Rosa watched him hurry out the gate and cross the grounds. She shook her head. Clearly, the battle had done his mood good.
Rosa went into the kitchen and unloaded the fresh bread, butter, and sugar. If she was going to babysit, she was going to need a decent cup of tea. She carried the other bag filled with clothes into the lounge room where Nimue dozed. Her eyes opened as Rosa quietly put the bag on a chair.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," Rosa apologized.
"I was already awake. Eldon doesn't know how to be quiet when he's in a hurry," Nimue said as she sat up slowly. She smiled and Rosa paused. There was something different about it, abouther, and she couldn't put her finger on it.
"How are you feeling?" Rosa asked, sitting down in an armchair.
"Sore, but well." Nimue moved the corner of her blanket to show Rosa her new scar. "Eldon is a fine healer."
"I'll say," Rosa murmured. "That looks months old already. I've brought you some clothes in case you wanted to get cleaned up. Men don't think about that kind of thing."
"You are very kind, Rosamund Wylt." Nimue tucked a dirty lock of hair behind her ear. "I have an apology I must make to you. Since I've been back, I haven't been myself. I don't know what Eldon did last night, but he's…fixed…something in my head that the queen did. I don't know how to explain it. It's as if a constant whispering has gone silent. I think she put it there so she could spy on me and on you all. It's gone, and I feel myself again."
"I've been subjected to the queen's special attention. You have nothing to apologize for, Nimue."
"I do though. I've been horrible to you, and it was as if I couldn't stop myself. I've been so jealous of you. The way Eldon…" Nimue's hands twisted together. "If you are willing, I'd like to start over with you."
Rosa watched her fidget for a moment before reaching over and putting a hand over Nimue's. "I'd like that. It would be nice to have a woman to talk with in this house full of men. I'm sure there is much you could teach me about magic that Eldon could not."
"Thank you, Rosamund Wylt." Nimue breathed a sigh of relief. "Deryn would want me to help in any way that I could. She would have liked you."
"Do you think so?"
"Of course. She used to have to manage Eli and Eldon the same way you do," Nimue replied with a smile.
"Would you tell me about her? Eli finds it too painful to talk about her much, and you'd sooner get blood out of a stone than memories out of Eldon."
"I'll tell you as much as I can. I know that everything that has happened has made it appear that I'm some monster, but Igrieve for Deryn. I loved her like my own mother. More so in fact. She taught me kindness when all I'd known was cruelty. Whatever goodness I have in me was because she brought it out in me." Rosa pretended not to see Nimue brush the stray tears from her cheeks.