Page 47 of Swords and Curses
"We can talk about it later," Rosa said and got to her feet. "For now, how about you go for a shower, and I'll make you something to eat."
Nimue's smile was shy as she nodded, "That would be nice. I'm tired of smelling like dead Seelie."
"Did you know?"Eldon demanded, interrupting Eli's meeting with Zalan and his generals.
"Know what?" Eli replied calmly.
"About the cracks in her mind made by the fucking queen."
Zalan gave his generals a look, and they vanished out of the room. Eldon was crackling with energy that he was struggling to control.
"I take it the Seelie girl has survived the night," Zalan said to break off Eldon and Eli's glaring competition.
"Only just," Eldon replied. "I healed her of the poison and whatever the queen did to her mind. You had her blood, Eli, and you would've seen…"
"Of course I saw them. The queen has had that link open since Nimue arrived."
"Why didn't you heal her? I knew there was something different about her. You could've told me!"
"I needed to know that I could trust her before I did. I could have used that link for my own gain, but I didn't. I needed to see that she would fight its compulsion, fight for us, Eldon, and betruly on our side in this war. Last night when she saved your life, she proved that she is."
"She could've died!"
"So could you," Eli said coldly. "Ask which outcome concerns me most. I would've healed her today if you hadn't done so already. I'm glad that you did. Otherwise, you might never have believed or trusted her again."
"Bah! You're still playing your damn games instead of being honest with me…"
"Eldon, he was right," Zalan interrupted. "You are as stubborn and distrusting as Eli is. You never would've believed it if you didn't see it for yourself. You've closed your ears and eyes to her since she arrived."
"You don't understand. She…"
Zalan held up a hand and silenced him. "She hurt you, and you react out of that hurt. Doesn't this god you serve speak of compassion?"
"Don't talk about my god," Eldon scowled before turning back to Eli. "Anything else you want to tell me?"
"Only, well done." Eli's smile was filled with pride. "I heard your song. I've not felt power like that before."
"I had a hand from that god you mock me for believing in," Eldon said as he opened the door. "No more lies or secrets, Father, or I walk."
Zalan chuckled once he had gone. "By the old gods and the new, that boy is your son down to his toenails."
"Don't remind me. I thought after all this time, he wouldn't be so hotheaded," Eli said, tapping his pen against the table.
"That's your fault for mating with a Celt."
Eldon stormed through,along the halls and into the servant's passages. Zalan's army had filled the mansion, and not for the first time, Eldon was glad of the little cottage on the grounds. Too many people, too many immortals.
Heaven above, why did I think it would be any different if I returned here?
The smell of cooking meat, cinnamon, and roses assaulted him as he opened the door into the kitchen. Rosa, hair pinned up in a pile of curls, was ordering staff about as she helped Vera pull bread from the oven.
"Rhosyn, you know that Zalan brought help with him," he said, leaning against the doorframe. "You don't have to be in here, doing all of this."
"If my mother found out I hadn't helped out when Master Eli had a full house, she'd tan my hide. Coffee?"
"Coffee it is," she replied brightly and filled another French Press.