Page 101 of Faith
Happy to have the focus off her and her injuries, Nicola smiled and told her mother of all the plans for the baby and Serenity’s plans for a second book.
* * *
Jensen was just pouringhimself another cup of coffee when Nicola’s father made his way downstairs. At first look, most people would look at Brett McCann and think that he looked nothing like Nicola. That all of her features came from her mother, but that wasn’t true. Her incredible height was one thing, but also her nose. It wasn’t small and delicate like her mother’s. No, it was slender, and slightly turned up. When she spent a little too much time in the sun, she would get freckles just like her father had.
“I think it’s time we had a talk, son.”
He knew this was coming, and he had planned on making a stop on their trip back to England. That was before the shooting.
“Certainly. Do you want a cup of coffee?”
He shook his head. “I’ve already had too much of that evil brew. I need to sleep tonight.”
“Let’s go outside. Your daughter has amazing hearing and tends to eavesdrop.”
“Got that from her mother,” he said as he followed Jensen out the door. They continued walking until they were close to the beach. Neither of them had shoes on, so Jensen led him to the sand.
“Damn that feels good. Nadia and I have never been over here before.”
“This house is open to both of you for whenever you want.”
He glanced at Jensen. “I won’t be bought off by pretty things.”
Jensen laughed. “God, everyone thinks she’s like her mother, but I think there is a fair amount of you in her.”
Her father smiled at that, then it faded. Jensen knew the last seventy-two hours had been hard on them.
“I can’t believe we almost lost her.”
“I know and I’m sorry about that.”
“You shot her?”
“No, but Alfie was my friend.”
“You just never know. When I met Nadia, then married her, I lost a fair number of friends.”
“What? Why?”
“She was from one of thoseSovietcountries, which meant she had to be a spy.” Brett rolled his eyes. “Can you imagine? Like Nadia could ever hide anything from anyone. But what I’m getting at is that I thought all of those friends would accept her with open arms. Some of them I had known my whole life. So, you can’t be blamed for that asshole’s actions.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Now, I have a feeling you wanted to talk to me about something.”
“Yes. I would like to marry Nicola.”
“I had a feeling. What did she say?”
“I didn’t ask yet. I was waiting for you to get here.”
Brett’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh, Nicola isn’t going to like that.”
“I don’t care,” he bit out. “Sorry. A friend said the same thing. There were other circumstances.”
“What? What are you waiting for?”
“I wanted to make sure she wasn’t feeling vulnerable.” Then he stared at her father. “Wait, how did you know about all of this? How did you know I wanted to marry her?”