Page 102 of Faith
“It was in your voice on the phone. You sounded as if you were losing your entire world. I knew then you were in love with her. Because I would sound the same way if anything like this had happened to Nadia.”
“I have your blessing?”
“Keep her safe and happy, then yes. I couldn’t deny you, Jensen. You love her too much. Of course, I’m not the one you have to convince. And you better do it soon because I can’t keep a secret from her mother. She’ll figure it out and blab to Nicola.”
“I have the ring and planned on it.”
“Now, I think we need to clean up. Our bags aren’t here though.”
“I wanted to have you stay here, but my mother and brother came, and I have Felicia the nurse staying overnight. So, I booked you a suite at the Hilton.”
“I can pay my own way.”
This was just like the stupid argument over the plane. “I know you can, but you’re going to be my father-in-law so get used to it.”
Brett let out one of his booming laughs. “Yeah, I think you and Nicola will figure it out.” He held out his hand. Jensen took it. “Welcome to the family, son.”
* * *
Nicola dozedfor a few hours and woke to silence. The room was dark, but she could see light from the hallway. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness as she looked around the room. It was then that she saw Jensen. He was sitting in the chair beside her bed. From his even breathing, she knew he was sleeping.
She watched him for a long time knowing that she wouldn’t see him in this way for much longer. They only had a few days left in Hawaii and that would be the end of everything.
“Do you know how creepy it is to have you staring at me like that?” he asked.
She smiled. “What time is it?”
He opened his eyes and leaned forward to grab his phone off her bedside table. “Nine.”
She frowned. “Where is everyone?”
“I sent them out. They were so loud I was afraid they would wake you, so your parents and my mother and brother went out to a Luau. I insisted they go and John drove them, so they could have all the Mai Tai’s and Lava Flows they want.”
She smiled. “Thank you.”
He rose from the chair and sat down on the mattress next to her and took hold of her hand. “How are you feeling?”
“Good, I guess. Even though I’ve spent most of the last few days in bed, I’m still tired.”
“The doctor said you needed time to heal.”
Then, neither of them said anything. The silence stretched out to awkwardness.
“Well, I guess I need to start making arrangements for us to head back to England.”
“I told Mother we’re staying an extra week. The doctor doesn’t want you to travel too soon.”
“There was something I wanted to talk to you about. Well, a couple of things.”
His serious tone worried her.
He turned on the bedside table lamp. She blinked at the sudden brightness in the room. When her eyes finally focused, she saw things she hadn’t seen before. Jensen had dark smudges beneath his eyes, telling her he hadn’t caught up on his sleep. In fact, he looked a little haggard thanks to the two day’s growth of beard on his face. Why did that man look yummy even when he looked like a mess?
“First, when were you planning on telling me that Micah was your first Dom?”