Page 81 of Lawbreaker
“Didn’t you go to the regional auditions?” he asked, because he knew about opera stars and their early days.
She forced a smile. “I missed the audition,” she lied, “so I went about it in an easier way. I have an agent. I had her ask for an audition.” She smiled. “I have to send a tape of myself singing and do a few other things. I cut a few corners,” she lied.
He just smiled, not telling her he’d helped arrange the solo audition. “When do you audition?”
“Next month,” she said.
He relaxed. A lot could happen in a month. A whole lot. He reached for her hand and held it all the way into the art gallery.
When they got through with the art gallery, Tony took her to the sushi place and they all ate their fill, including Ben. Then they went by Tony’s cousin’s restaurant for a pastry.
“Didn’t I tell you Italian food is the best?” Tony teased her as she finished her cake and ice cream.
“It’s out of this world!” she agreed.
“Mario makes his own ice cream,” he added as he finished the last of his own dessert and reached for the strong espresso he liked.
Odalie sipped cappuccino and sighed. “It’s so nice here,” she said, looking around as the wind blew leaves down from the little trees all along the sidewalk. “I love New York,” she added softly, smiling, with her eyes closed as the wind stirred her hair.
Tony, looking at her, felt his heart clench. She was a country girl, but she was just as much at home in the city. Even with his family from Jersey. She wasn’t stuck-up or snobbish or heartless, as some beautiful women were. Just looking at her made him ache. He questioned the wisdom of keeping her at home with him, but he really had no choice. He couldn’t risk her life. Phillip James was on drugs and unpredictable, desperate for vengeance. Odalie would be a nice target. But not on Tony’s watch.
“Listen,” he told Ben, “you put on all the extra security you need. We don’t want any slipups.”
“You got it, boss,” he agreed.
Oblivious, because they spoke in Italian, Odalie kept sipping cappuccino.
They were both in the mood for something light at supper, so they made big salads with homemade bread.
“I didn’t know you could make bread,” Tony sighed with delight as he wolfed down the second of two buttered rolls. “And you made them with olive oil!”
She laughed. “Yes. You don’t really notice the taste because it’s so light, and it’s good for you. Well, the butter probably isn’t, but you just can’t eat homemade rolls without butter!”
“Absolutely!” Tony agreed at once. Ben, still grabbing rolls, just nodded.
Odalie grinned from ear to ear. Nothing more welcome to a cook than men who couldn’t stop eating her food.
Later, Ben went to bed, leaving the boss and Odalie in the living room watching a movie.
“I loveGuardians of the Galaxy 3,” Odalie said when it finished, wiping tears, “but I cried as much as I laughed on this one.”
“It was great, wasn’t it?” He got up and stretched lazily, pulling her up with him after he cut off the TV. “You need some sleep and so do I. I’ve got meetings tomorrow with my board of directors.”
“You have a board of directors?” she asked, surprised.
“Necessary evil,” he replied on a sigh. “But I handpicked two of them.” He grinned. “Those two keep the others tied up in knots so I can get things done.”
She laughed.
He bent and kissed her gently. “That’s not all I’d like to do,” he whispered, “but Ben sleeps light. So go to bed and dream about me.”
“Okay,” she whispered back. “If you’ll promise to dream about me, too.”
He didn’t smile. He looked at her with such hunger that it was blatant. “Honey,” he said softly, “I’ve dreamed about you since the day I met you. And fought it every inch of the way.”