Page 82 of Lawbreaker
He sighed. “Lots and lots of reasons. We could name them all. It wouldn’t help.”
She reached up on tiptoe and kissed his chin. He drew her close, wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her until her mouth was sore and she was aching all over. He had to fight to turn her loose. His dark eyes were blazing with hunger as he looked down into drowned, drugged blue eyes that adored him.
“This will not end well,” he bit the words out, feeling his body harden to painful levels.
She touched his cheek gently, her eyes full of drowsy passion. “There’s only today,” she whispered, smiling.
His heart jumped. He had to force himself to let her go. It wasn’t easy.
He nodded slowly. “Okay. One day at a time.”
She smiled. “Exactly.”
“Good night.”
“Good night, Tony.” She started toward her room, but turned and just looked at him, still aching.
“Go. Now,” he said in a rough undertone.
She shrugged faintly and flushed a little. “Okay. I’m going.” She gave him a last longing look and went into her bedroom and closed the door.
But she didn’t, couldn’t, sleep. Her body, awakened to passion and eager for experience with the man she was crazy about, was driving her wild. She’d never felt such a raging hunger for anyone. She tossed and turned in her pink silk gown. Every time her breasts rubbed against the fabric, they swelled. She ached. She moaned softly. It was the most agonizing night she’d ever endured.
Doors opened and there were voices. Then a door closed and locked. She wondered what was happening. But it wouldn’t do to go out and ask, not in her present condition. She turned some more and arched her back like a cat asking to be stroked.Tony, she thought with anguish,oh, Tony!
Even as she thought about him, the door opened slowly. She lay in the light from the hall, one leg raised, the gown sliding down to her hips, her breasts pointed and half-revealed as the gown dipped.
Tony was wearing nothing but pajama bottoms. His chest was broad and bare, thick with curling black hair. He looked like every woman’s secret dream, handsome and virile and muscular without it looking vulgar. And she’d never wanted anything as much in her life as she wanted Tony in her arms at that moment.
She arched, helpless, and moaned softly.
“Oh, God,” he groaned. He’d gotten up because Ben had a call about the prowler and was going out. But Tony hadn’t been able to get past her doorway on his way back to bed. He was in agony from wanting her. And he’d been positive that he wasn’t the only one. Now he was even more positive. He knew this was going to end badly, but a man had only so much self-restraint. He took a deep breath.
Then he closed the door...
Ben sat at a table in an all-night bar waiting for a contact. He had a beer but avoided hard liquor. He needed his wits about him.
Finally, his contact showed up. “Hey, Ben, how’s it going?” Rudy asked as he took a seat and ordered a beer of his own.
“Badly,” Ben said.
“Yeah. I noticed.” Rudy waited until he was served before he spoke. “The irritation is coming from a political place, and you know which one.”
“Boss will be wild when he knows.”
“You need to put on more people,” Rudy said under his breath. “He can’t get to her family, too much protection. He wouldn’t dare risk trying to get around Tony’s people at her apartment...”
“But that’s exactly what he did,” Ben informed him, and outlined what had happened.
Rudy grimaced. “So what’s he doing about it?”
“She’s moved in with us.”
Rudy sighed. “Okay. That’s one worry out of the way. But you make sure she’s trailed everywhere. She’s the best soft target of all, and we may not see it coming.”
“I know that. Thanks,” he added with a smile.
“We’re all in this together, one way or another,” Rudy said easily. “Boss may get hot at me from time to time, but we’re family, just the same.”