Page 83 of Lawbreaker
“All of us,” Ben agreed. He looked at his watch and grimaced. “No use going back home to bed,” he said with a sigh. “I guess I’ll go round up my boys and give out assignments. If you hear anything...?”
He nodded. “You bet.”
Odalie felt his approach, actually felt it in the darkness of the room. She moaned as he stood over her, barely visible in a trickle of light from outside the window.
“You’d better be sure,” he whispered. “I don’t want to stop. I want you too much. And that isn’t all. It’s like eating potato chips. Once will never be enough.” He was relieved that he’d mentioned he couldn’t have kids on their lunch date. It would stop her getting ideas about the future.
She sat up and let the straps slip off her shoulders, the gown falling to her waist. In the faint light, her skin had the sheen of silk.
He actually groaned. He stopped talking. His pajama bottoms hit the floor. He sat down beside her, and his mouth all but swallowed one small, perfect breast. She made a sound that drove him mad.
She arched under his mouth, so enthralled that she couldn’t even speak. Her nails bit into his shoulders as he moved against her, onto her, his mouth insatiable on her breasts, her belly and, finally, her silky thighs.
She was so wild for him that when she felt the first hard thrust, she didn’t even try to draw back. She lifted up to him, helping him remove the last little barrier that kept them apart. She couldn’t have felt pain at that point. Desire rode her so high that all she could think of was relief.
Tony had been with women since he was fourteen. He knew exactly what to do and when to do it to bring a woman to ecstasy. As he drove into her, he recalled some of those women and thought how they couldn’t hold a candle to this one, to her sweetness, her beauty, her spunk. And she was his. All...his!
He heard her cry out and shudder under him. The first time, he thought while he could. The first time, and she was climaxing!
He wanted to speak, but he was dying for her. He drove harder, faster, hearing her cry out again and again and shudder as he satisfied her over and over again. And, finally, he satisfied himself, in a last shuddering drive as far into her as he could get. The sudden burst of pleasure made him cry out, something he’d never done in his life, and then he was shuddering, just as she had, caught in a maelstrom of fulfillment that excelled his wildest dreams of passion.
She held him while he endured it, kissed everywhere she could reach, lifted into him to prolong his pleasure. Tears were running down her cheeks, tears of absolute joy.
Finally, he collapsed on her, gasping for breath, his heart hammering so hard that it shook her. He was damp with sweat, shivering.
“Oh, Tony,” she whispered, clinging.
He wrapped her up in his arms, holding her close. He was still shaking. “I never felt anything like that in my whole life,” he whispered.
“Me, neither,” she whispered back.
He laughed softly. “I noticed.” He kissed her tenderly. “You climaxed. Your first time. I was so proud, I wanted to crow.”
“Really?” she asked, still shy with him.
“Really.” He rolled onto his back and held her at his side, enjoying the feel of her bare breasts against his rib cage. “My God, I thought I was going to die!”
“It isn’t always like that, for a man?”
“Not for me. Not ever.” He drew in a long breath. “I wanted to take longer with you, but it’s been a long dry spell. I needed you, so much.”
She frowned. “Long dry spell?”
He drew in a breath and curled her hair around one big hand. “For the past year, I haven’t had a woman.”
Her heart jumped. “But...but they say you have a mistress...?”
“I couldn’t touch her.” He drew her closer and bent to kiss her gently. “I wanted you every time I looked at you, for the past year. I was terrified that I might do something about it. And,” he added ruefully, “I finally did.”
“Don’t sound so regretful,” she said.
“I can’t help it. You and I are very different.”
“Yes. I just noticed all the differences...ouch!”
They both laughed. He’d pinched her lightly.
“Not those differences. The big ones. Background.”