Page 63 of Love Gamble
“I’m going in with you,” Damon states, as we stand by the garage door.
“Just stand here,” I tell him, lifting my head to kiss him.
When I step inside, Tatum is sitting on the ground, bound and beaten. I have to admit, I do feel bad for him. At the end of the day, he is blood related to me, even if I don’t know him.
“I thought I could trust you,” he says without looking up. “But you’re just like River, aren’t you?”
“And you’re just like our father,” I return, with no heat in my tone. “You think you’re avenging this great man. Robert was an abusive asshole, and while I don’t know what happened to him, I’m glad he’s dead.”
“I just wanted to prove that River killed him. Don’t you want that? He’s your dad, too.”
I sigh heavily. “What does it matter? He’s gone now. But we’re alive and we need to move on and live our lives. And to be honest, he wasn’t a nice person, Tatum. He didn’t even visit you, or support you, and the kids he did stay around for...well, we thought you got the better deal.”
“He was still our father.”
“Sometimes family is defined by loyalty, not blood. You’re in an MC, you should know that.”
“You’re a traitor, and things aren’t over yet, Corey. I’m not going to let this go.”
And that’s why I probably won’t see him again.
“Tell Dad I said hi,” is all I say before I walk back outside.
I know people say I’m a little like River, but the truth is, I’m not. Yes, I’ll do what I need to protect the people I love, but from what I’ve heard the other men say, River seems to enjoy it. That, or he feels nothing at all. Maybe he can disassociate. Who knows?
But I can’t relate to that. River’s anger runs cold, where mine runs hot. My rage and violence are fueled by passion, and the desperate need to protect those that I love. I couldn’t hurt just anyone.
Damon walks me back into the kitchen and wraps me in his arms. Did he think what I said was cold?
But then he tells me how much he loves me, and how strong I am.
And I know that I’m where I’m meant to be.
“I can’t believe you shot Leif,” Bella says, looking both horrified and on the verge of breaking out into laughter. “You are just full of surprises.”
“Don’t you dare tell me I’m like River, or I’m going to scream,” I state, pushing my sunglasses up on my nose. We’re both sitting outside enjoying our morning coffee together, and debriefing everything that happened yesterday.
She lets the laughter loose. “Is that what everyone is saying? Probably why I get along with both of you so well.”
“I’m going to kill you.”
“You going to shoot me, too?” she asks, trying to keep a straight face. I roll my eyes. “At least he’s going to be fine. He’s going to be walking in no time. At least that’s what the hot doctor told him.”
“Jag came back happier than I’ve ever seen him,” Bella comments, taking a sip from her mug. “Happier than when he’s eating a mango.” She lowers her tone. “Have you seen how he eats one? You just know he’s good at...certain things.”
My eyes widen, because no lie, I had a similar thought when I first watched him consume one. Andconsumeis the right word. “Oh, definitely,” I reply, wiggling my eyebrows. “You just know he’s one of those men who enjoy it. He would devour you.”
Not one drop would be left.
“Well, the good doctor might be in luck, then.”
We both start laughing.
“What are you two whispering about?” Damon asks as he opens the sliding door and steps outside.
Damn, that was close.
“Nothing,” I lie. “Just enjoying the sunshine. We can’t go anywhere until these Lost Lions MC shenanigans are done with, so we are making the best of it. By the way, I can’t wait for the pool at the new clubhouse. With the big garden, it will be beautiful, and I can’t wait to use it.”