Page 93 of Backwater Justice
“The photos I took of the privet. I sent them to Yoko, and she recognized them. She phoned me earlier.”
“Fergus believes Patricia mixed the potion that caused Milton’s heart attack.”
“Really? Not Oliver?”
“He claims it’s the weapon of choice for women.” Charles grinned at his pal.
“But why?” Myra was stupefied.
“That’s a question only she can answer,” Charles said.
“Poor Milton,” Myra lamented again. “But what about the pills Vanessa saw, and the hidden room Isabelle found? Who is responsible for them?”
“No one specific—it’s a group effort. That much I am certain of. It can’t just be Oliver. There are too many moving parts.”
“True.” Myra sighed. “I guess our work is not done yet.”
“No, but it appears things are unraveling, and we’re picking up the loose ends. You’ll get it sorted,” Charles assured her.
“Thank you, darling. I’ll call later, once things settle down here.”
“Right. Tootles.” Charles ended the call.
* * *
Annie, Lori, Christopher, and Chandler arrived at the doctor’s office in thirty minutes. Annie checked the time. She had an hour before she was supposed to meet Oliver. It had been a very busy day.
Dr. Foster and the nurse were waiting for them in the examination room. “Who do we have here?”
“Hello. My name is Lori George.” The girl was truly shaken.
The doctor looked at her closely. “You’re the missing woman from Eugene?” Lori nodded. Then the doctor looked at Annie. “Are you in the people-rescue business? Twice in one week!”
Chris gave her a look. Annie flapped her wrist. She would tell him later. “What can I say, doc? I’m a human magnet.” She scratched Chandler’s neck. “But this guy is the real hero.”
“And to whom do I owe the pleasure?” Dr. Foster looked at Chandler, who gave him his paw.
“This is Chandler. Retired U.S. Marshal’s Service.”
Dr. Foster shook Chandler’s paw and then washed his hands. “No offense.” He smiled at the big pooch.
Annie looked at Lori. “Do you want me to stay with you?” Lori nodded.
“We’ll be outside,” Chris said, and took Chandler into the reception area.
Nurse Crowley took Lori’s blood pressure. It was a bit low, probably from shock. Dr. Foster checked her other vitals. All seemed normal. He checked her skin to see if she was dehydrated. “Did you drink a lot of water?” he asked. She nodded. “Good. It probably helped you keep your strength. Most people don’t realize that when they’re dehydrated, the rest of their bodily functions can’t work at their optimum levels.” Lori nodded again. He checked her for any cuts or bruises. Nothing that required attention. “You’re in tip-top shape.” He thought for a second. “For a woman who went through what you did. Now I want you to take it easy for the next couple of days. No work, no school. Understood?”
Lori bobbed her head again. “Thank you.”
Annie helped her off the table and walked her out to where Chris and Chandler were waiting. “All good?” Chris asked.
“You bet.” Annie had her arm around Lori’s shoulders. “Right?”
Lori smiled. “Yes. Much better now.”
They returned to the vehicle and drove to the hotel. Annie sent the three of them up to the room. She checked her watch. The George family would arrive in about forty-five minutes. Oliver was due in twenty. One more grand scheme to pull off before the end of the day.
* * *