Page 94 of Backwater Justice
Kat and Isabelle were back at the apartment, waiting for further instructions. They were both fidgety. There were too many balls in the air, and they didn’t know who was going to catch what.
Isabelle jumped when the phone rang.
“Myra. What is going on?” Isabelle was getting concerned. Neither she nor Kat had heard anything for several hours. It wasn’t unusual, but the silence was worrisome. One never knew what Annie and Myra could get themselves into, or the rest of the Sisters, for that matter. But Annie and Myra were the ringleaders, and it was usually the two of them who led the charge, whether it was into a blazing fire, or tunneling their way out from a locked barn.
Myra gave Isabelle the rundown about Lori, the foxglove, and Oliver. “Her parents should be here shortly. Annie is meeting Oliver in the lobby bar in a few minutes. Mill thinks Oliver has a drug problem. We think he has a distribution problem, as well as his own personal addiction. We just need a little more information before we break all the bad news to Milton. And we still need to figure out how to turn over our evidence without implicating ourselves for breaking and entering.”
“I was the one entering,” Isabelle said.
“And Annie. She did both.”
“Of course. But that’s how we found Lori. With the help of Chandler. He gave Annie the clues.”
“Don’t ya just love dogs?” Of course, it was a rhetorical question. Being an animal lover was a requirement to be part of this unique group of women.
“Can’t live without them,” Myra said. “I think the two of you should get over here. We need a meeting.”
“Roger that!” Isabelle was happy she and Kat wouldn’t be left out of the group gathering.
* * *
Annie seated herself at a low cocktail table. She ordered a glass of champagne. She spotted Oliver walking across the tiled floor. She waved. He gave her a big smile and waved back. He leaned over to give her a kiss, but she gave him her cheek. “Nice to see you again.” He was effusive.
“Indeed.” Annie crossed her legs, showing off her spectacular boots. “So, Oliver, tell me again about your situation.” She couldn’t help but notice a smidge of white dust at the very edge of his nostril. This was too good to pass up. She immediately reached for his pocket square, pulled it sensuously out of his jacket, and dabbed it on his nose. “There. Much better,” she flirted. His mouth was agape at the possibility that she was coming on to him. Annie’s flair with sleight of hand allowed her to slip his handkerchief into her tote while he was focused on delivering his big fib again.Money for his car, blah . . . blah . . . blah . . .
Annie felt her phone vibrate. She checked to see who it was. Myra. She had to take the call. “Excuse me, Oliver. Sorry, I must take this.” She put her hand on his shoulder for reassurance and stepped far enough away so that he would not to be able to hear the exchange. “What’s up?”
“The George family just arrived.”
“Okay. I’m with Oliver.”
“Lori seems to have relaxed a little. She took a long hot shower and is wrapped in a cozy robe.”
“Chris told her parents to bring a fresh set of clothes.”
“Good thinking. For a man!” Myra chuckled. “We have a lot of loose ends to wrap up, and we’re going to need you up here. Can you ditch Oliver? Reschedule?”
“I don’t think I have to.”
“Oh?” Myra wondered what her wily friend had accomplished in a few short minutes.
“Got his handkerchief. Dabbed his nose with it, so there should be enough DNA on it, plus a smidge of powder.”
“You can add magician to your résumé.” Myra chuckled again. She was over the moon that they’d found Lori.
“Already did, my friend. You need to catch up.” Annie laughed and looked in Oliver’s direction. She made a serious face and then ended the call. She rushed over to where he was sitting. “Oliver, I am terribly sorry, but I have something that needs to be handled right now. Can we reschedule? Tomorrow, perhaps?”
Oliver’s face went from cheerful, to glum, then back to cheerful. “Oh, of course, Annie. Nothing serious, I hope. Well, I mean it is serious, but I hope it’s not life-threatening.” He was almost sincere.
“Nothing too awful, but necessary. I’ll be in touch.” She turned on her rhinestone-studded boot-heel and moved quickly to the elevator bank. The Sisters had to have a video meeting in the suite. She pivoted and went to the front desk, where she reserved a second two-bedroom suite for the George family, so they could relax and have dinner. Once Lori was more settled, she might be able to discuss some of the details of her ordeal. Having a U.S. Marshal on hand would be very helpful, as well. Once she secured the rooms, she went back to the elevator bank. She looked to see if Oliver was still nursing his drink. He was gone. Probably feeling defeated. Too bad.
Annie entered the suite and greeted the George family. Mrs. George was still crying. “I don’t know how to thank you.”
“We could not be happier, believe me.” Annie gave her a hug. Then Mr. George wrapped his arms around both of them, while Chris and Chandler looked on. It was a very happy and satisfying moment for everyone. Annie explained that she’d reserved a room for them and invited them to stay the night. She went on to say that it was important for Lori to tell them everything she could remember. “Order whatever you want from room service.” She handed them the key card. “Your suite is right down the hall. If you feel like talking later, just knock on the door.”
Words of thanks and appreciation filled the room as the reunited family moved on to their own quarters.