Page 10 of Hidden Desire
“No buts.” He pulled out a chair next to Hannah. “Come and sit.”
Grace hesitantly walked over to him and sat in the chair he held for her.
He sat at the head of the table and draped the napkin over his lap. One of the maids came in and set salads down in front of them.
He watched Grace out of the corner of his eye as shehelped Hannah. When she started eating from her own plate, she took tiny bites. Robert and Hannah talked most of the time during the meal. Grace would answer if someone asked her a direct question, but otherwise, she just sat and listened.
When they finished, he stood and helped pull Grace’s chair back so she could stand. Then, he went to his daughter.
“How about you two finish the movie, and then we’ll go up and get Hannah in the bathtub and maybe read a story?”
Both girls nodded. Hannah took Grace’s hand and pulled her toward the family room.
Robert went back to work. He had no idea how much time had passed when Hannah raced into the office.
“Is the movie done?” he asked and set down his pen.
“Yes, Daddy. Grace really liked it,” Hannah said.
He looked toward the door to see Grace standing. When she saw him looking at her, her head tipped down. He smiled at the blush that covered her face. She really was beautiful.
Robert stood. “Let’s get you upstairs and into the bath.”
Grace followed them into Hannah’s bathroom, which was off the little girl’s bedroom. He helped Hannah get undressed and started the water. He dumped a capful of bath bubbles into it and watched them grow. He grinned when Hannah squealed.
“I want more bubbles,” Hannah said as he lifted her into the tub.
“Honey, I’ve put so many in already that I think I’m going to lose you.”
Hannah giggled. “Oh, Daddy.”
Grace laughed, and it was a sound he wanted to hear more of.
“Daddy, can Grace get into the bathtub with me?”
Robert grinned and looked over his shoulder to see the woman’s face redden. “Not tonight, Honey.”
“Is she going to get a bath with you?” Hannah asked.
Robert couldn’t help but laugh at the embarrassment on Grace’s face. “Maybe some other time.”
He watched Grace’s eyes widen, and then her hands covered her face. He was enjoying himself way too much and needed to stop.
After several minutes, he pulled the plug on the bathtub and reached for her. “Let’s get you out, Gremlin.”
“Daadddy,” Hannah shouted.
Robert smiled as he dried off his daughter. “Let’s get your teeth brushed and then a nightgown.”
He glanced at Grace a few times as she stood back and watched. When he got Hannah tucked into bed, he sat next to her. “Do you want to finish the book we started last night?”
“Yes.” Hannah looked at Grace and then patted the other side of the bed. “Come on, Grace. You’ll like this story.”
Grace’s eyes shot to his. When he didn’t say anything and just smiled, she moved over to the bed and carefully sat next to Hannah.
Robert opened the book and started reading. At some point, he noticed Hannah’s hand reaching for Grace’s. For the rest of the story, they held hands and stared intently at the book as he read.
“The end,” Robert said.