Page 9 of Hidden Desire
Robert sputtered and then laughed. “I didn’t know you were so violent.”
“Only when it comes to women and children. The ones that don’t know how to fight back.”
“I understand.” If Taylor only knew that part of his life was designated to just that. “I’ll go peek in on them and then go to my office until dinner.”
Taylor nodded and turned back to the stove.
Robert found the two in Hannah’s room on their stomachs coloring books. They looked so incredibly cute together and acted like they’d known each other for years instead of minutes.
“How are you girls doing?” he asked. He watched Grace hurriedly shuffle to a sitting position and put herself between him and Hannah as if to protect her. The woman cared for his daughter already. Probably more than even her real mother did.
He stayed by the door and smiled, trying to calm her down.
Hannah was oblivious to it all. “We’re coloring, Daddy.”
“I see that. I hope you’ll both color me a picture.”
Grace pressed against her stomach and tried to smile. “Yes, Sir.”
“I’m going to do a little more work in my office, girls. Dinner will be ready in an hour and a half.”
“We want to watch a movie,” Hannah said.
“That’s fine. Use the family room next to my office.”
“Okay, Daddy.”
He felt the heat of Grace’s attention follow him out of the room. She’d only been in his home a few hours, but he was going to break through the wall she had around herself and find out what was going on.
He didn’t know why, but she had already dug herself into his heart, and he was determined to protect her—the sooner, the better.
Chapter Four
Robert walked into the family room to see them both watching a Disney movie. He studied Grace’s rapt attention and guessed she didn’t get a chance to watch TV at her house. He didn’t want to scare her, so he walked farther into the room and several feet away from them so she could see him.
“Hey, girls. Dinner is ready.”
Hannah immediately jumped up and raced past him. Grace turned off the TV, tucked her chin down, and walked around him.
She stopped and turned to him.
“Sweetheart, you never have to be afraid of me. I would rather cut off my arm than hurt you.”
Her eyes widened before she nodded. He was glad to see her shoulders relax. In the hallway, he walked past her and knew she had followed him. They went to the dining room, and she walked past the table and toward the kitchen.
“Grace, where are you going, Sweetheart?”
“I … um … into the kitchen.”
“Why?” he asked.
“To eat.”
“I want you to eat with us.”
Her eyes widened dramatically. “But…”