Page 6 of Hidden Desire
“Mr. Crenshaw, Grace is all unpacked. What would you like her to do?”
“Bring her in here. I’ll tell her about Hannah’s schedule and then introduce them when Hannah is up from her nap.”
Taylor turned to her and must have seen the fear she tried to hide. “Hey, now. He’s a very nice man. I’ve been here twelve years, and I have never even seen him raise his voice in anger.”
“Even when you do something wrong?” Grace asked.
“Yes, even then. I can honestly tell you I trust that man one hundred percent. He’d never hurt a child or a woman.”
“It’s just that my father…”
“What did your father tell you?” Talor asked.
She shook her head. “Nothing.”
“If you need anything, come to me.”
Grace relaxed and nodded. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll see you at dinner.”
Grace watched her walk away before she turned and walked into the office. She stood just inside the door and waited for instructions.
“Come on in, Grace. We’re not formal around here.”
Grace nodded.
“Have a seat.”
Grace sat on the edge of one of the chairs with her hands in her lap.
Chapter Three
It took Robert a moment to understand why she froze in the doorway.
Robert studied her as she looked down at her hands in her lap. He was shocked when he first saw her and how pretty she was. Her long, dark blonde hair was tightly braided. She had yet to look him in the eyes, so he had no idea about their color.
She was extremely petite, and he could tell by her arms that she was way too thin. She wore an ugly long dress that hid her body. She was very timid and seemed afraid of him.
“Grace. Look at me, Sweetheart.”
Her head jerked up in surprise.
Her eyes were big but fit her face, and they were a light green color—one he’d never seen before. There were shadows of distress he didn’t like to see, and he wondered who had put them there. He guessed it was her father. It was one thing he’d eventually find the answers to.
Being in the Good Knight Society made him more attuned to the people around him. Eight years ago, when he joined, he’d been ignorant of what to look for in a woman or child. He learned the different expressions or mannerisms that would tell him they needed help without saying the words. Now, it came naturally to him.
“How old are you?” he asked.
“Um … twenty-four, Sir.”
She didn’t look that old. He guessed it might have to do with how tiny she was.
“Do you have experience with children?”
He caught the fear in her eyes before she slowly shook her head.