Page 7 of Hidden Desire
“No, Sir, but I know I can be a good nanny. I’ve always loved children.”
“Okay, good. At any time you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask Taylor or me, okay?”
She nodded.
“My daughter is three years old. She has a lot of energy. I don’t know if it’s normal or not.” He grinned.
“I can handle that.”
“You’re young, so that will help. Have you had any college?”
She stiffened and shook her head.
“When did you graduate high school?”
He watched as an embarrassed flush covered her face.
“I … I didn’t.”
“Why, Sweetheart?”
She paused for a long moment as if to decide what to say.
“My father took me out of school when my mother died. I had some homeschooling, but I don’t think I finished. I read all the time, so I’m not ignorant, I promise.”
He smiled gently, trying to calm the panic in her tone. “I believe you. What grade did you finish?”
“I think third,” she said.
Jesus. He decided to change the topic because he could see how embarrassed she was. “What are some things you like to do?”
Robert didn’t understand the confused look on her face.
“Oh, um, I like reading.”
He nodded. “And?”
She looked down at her lap and shrugged.
He wasn’t going to push her anymore. “If you’d like to rest tonight, we can introduce you to Hannah tomorrow.”
“If it’s okay with you, Sir. I want to meet her tonight.”
“All right.” He looked at the clock on the computer screen. “Right now, she’ll be waking up from her nap, having a snack, and helping Taylor in the kitchen. She usually just sits at thetable coloring or drawing pictures.” He stood. “Follow me.”
She walked silently behind him. He smiled at Taylor before clearing his throat.
His daughter let out a screech and raced to him. He lifted her in his arms and hugged her tightly. He loved the feel of her in his arms, and she always smelled like baby powder.
“Hey, Gremlin…”
“Daddy. I’m a girl, not a gremlin,” his daughter told him in exasperation.
He pretended to look suspicious. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Hannah’s tone sounded patient, like she’d had to remind him many times before, which she had.
“All right. I have a surprise for you.”