Page 44 of Hostile Holiday
Rowen sighed. “Orla had Hunter call me when she tracked your phone. Why are you walking?”
“They headed back to Hunter’s, and they were my ride. I had stuff to do. I don’t do portals, so I have to hike.”
“I am parked around the corner. I can give you a ride.”
“No, thank you. If I sit down, I am out, and I only have fifty minutes of walking left. I am good. Go home.” She didn’t look at him.
“No. I don’t mind some extra exercise.”
She snorted and staggered slightly. He caught her with an arm around her waist and said, “You need rest.”
“I will have it. As soon as I get home.”
He sighed. “This isn’t necessary.”
“It is. It is the only thing I can think of to get me home safely.”
“This is stupid.” He tightened his grip and lifted her, swinging her into his arms.
She gasped. “Don’t. I am not used to being carried.”
“Few people are until they make an effort. You are lighter than I thought. Your height is deceptive.”
Fatigue was running through her now that she wasn’t moving. “I know. Curvy me weighs the same.”
“Good to know.”
“Why were you mean to me?”
He sighed. “I wasn’t mean. I was trying to create distance.”
“Because I knew you were my match and had to wait for you. I didn’t want to get serious with someone when I knew that it couldn’t last. When I saw your face as I closed my eyes, I felt warm and calm. When I see you at the diner, I feel excited and amused in equal measure. I want to spend more time with you, but a relationship would not have been fair to you.”
She mumbled, “Because I was competing against myself. That is so stupid.”
“It was, but it is over now. I would like to court you.”
She tried to ask a question, but a yawn caught her. She heard a car chirp and the door open. She was settled on a car seat and buckled in. He kept her inside the car as he carefully closed the door, walked around to the driver’s side, and buckled up himself.
“Where do you live, Emery?”
She mumbled, “On the street with the blue car at the corner. And the tree.”
“Okay. Executive decision. We are taking you home and getting that blood off.”
He started driving, and the car ride did what they always did when she was tired. She fell asleep.
* * * *
Orla sat on the couch with Snowball and Hunter. “So, I guess that’s it. They are gone.”
Hunter kept his arm around her in her comfy sweatsuit. “They are gone, and now, we can start clear.”
“Emery is my father’s daughter.”
Hunter paused.