Page 45 of Hostile Holiday
The soft sound of Yinmar’s voice came around the corner. Orla’s mother walked in and smiled. “She has always been. I knew it when I saw her when she was small. I was volunteeringat a group home, and I saw her. She saw me, and I recognized the desperation in her eyes. She asked me if I was a mom, and I said I was. She asked for a hug so that she would know what it felt like to be hugged by a mom. From that moment on, I kept track of her. To see the warrior she has become is amazing. She has come so far.”
Yinmar settled in an easy chair. “Of course, Orla has exceeded my dreams for her. She has her freedom, a puppy, and she retains the warm heart and obsession with learning that has always kept her safe. Now that her brother is out of the way, she can let her impulses lead her as far as she wants to go.”
Orla smiled. “Well, first, I am going to accept that promotion at work finally.”
Hunter chuckled.
“Then, I am going to start an archive. I want to keep reading and learning. And I am going to spend a lot more time with Emery.” Orla frowned. “I hope she made it home okay.”
“Rowen has her. She’s safe but extremely tired. She couldn’t remember her address, so she will wake up in his guestroom.” Hunter checked his phone. “She will wake up warm.”
Yinmar chuckled. “He tucked her into his bed.”
“Well, they are his balls. She can cook them faster than he can say sneeze.” She chuckled.
“Mom, did you know she was a star?”
“Yes, baby. I knew you were one as well, but I had to hide everything from your father. Well, my husband. Did you find your father after I passed?”
“I did. He’s a bit of a tool, and his family is annoying.”
“He was the best I could do at that party. Your father insisted that I participate so he could get a charm to try himself with someone else. No one knew he would attack that poor girl.” Yinmar scowled.
Orla asked, “Was he ever charged?”
“Yes, but he claimed to be drunk, and it was a crime of passion. He did six months and was released after that. I believe it was him going to Emery’s mother that sent her into early labour.”
Orla sighed and thought about her father when he was intent on something. “Yeah, that would have been terrifying. Wait, she didn’t have any magic?”
Her mother sighed. “She did not. She was pale and weak but loved Emery with everything she had. Part of that was due to her family’s hate of the baby. They had been trying to get her to abort, but she wouldn’t. Emery was loved for the first six months of life.”
Orla sighed. “And not a lot after.”
Yinmar smiled. “But enough about sad things. What time are the Yule festivities beginning?”
“At sundown. The log is ready and in position.”
Orla smiled and stroked her puppy’s ears. “I guess I should get to bed.”
Hunter kissed her temple. “You should. Snowball will have one more trip outside, and then, I will make sure he knows where your room is.”
Orla got out of the nest she had made, and Hunter got up to take Snowball outside.
“Night, Mom.”
“Night, golden princess.”
Orla smiled the whole way up the steps. There had been carnage, but she got some of her own back. Her mom had been there the whole time, wrapped up in her best friend and an ugly sweater.
Tonight was the longest night of the year, and it was the perfect time to start something new. Maybe she could find thatbook again. Hunter’s human-style body had its charms, and she was interested in seeing all of them.
Emery felt that she was late and sat up with a jolt. She was naked. Well, not quite. A thickly muscled arm was wrapped around her waist. A sleepy Rowen opened his eyes. “Is something wrong?”
“I am naked.”