Page 18 of Narrow Margins
“It’s hardly your fault, Corrigan.” Griff’s mouth is against my ear.
I trudge slowly back into the house and my mind spins, he’s giving up already? Shit, I need to call Troy. He’s signed the contract, it might not be as easy as he thinks to walk away. I don’t want him to go, but I’m baffled. Does he want me, or does he merely want to see if his thoughts and feelings are true?
“I’m going to lie down, Griff. Thanks for your help today, for all of it. You have been very kind.” I mumble and head out the kitchen to go upstairs.
“You’re welcome, Corrie. I’m sorry to have hurt you. I just thought it was better to get it out and let you know what I felt for you, what I feel for you. I truly wish I hadn’t now.” Griff’s apology hurts; the pain in his voice obvious.
Not being able to find the right words, I nod and carry on up the staircase. Reaching the top, I hear him speak into his cellphone.
“Hey, Manny. Like I said, I don’t think this is gonna work here. There’s a few complications; so, have a talk to the teams, tell them I’m wanting to make a comeback.”
I don’t want to eavesdrop but I can’t help it. I wait silently to hear what else he has to say but he has moved away. When I get in my room, I shut the door and find the painkillers. Downing two, heavy duty tablets—left over from my time in rehab—I strip down to my briefs, remove my leg, and shuffle under the covers. I know the tablets are going to kick in and send me off to sleep so I need to call Troy first.
“Hey, Troy; we’ve got a problem with Griff. I think he’s going to walk out.”
“What? Are you kidding me? What happened?” Troy sounds perplexed.
“It’s a long story, but I’ve met Griff before. I don’t want to go into details but he thinks it’s too much to deal with. I think he’s planning to go back, I heard him call his manager.” I hear the thickness in my voice, I’m not sure if it’s the painkillers kicking in or the emotion at the thought of Griff leaving.
“Okay, I’m not going to pry but I had kinda guessed that something had gone on between you. Give me a couple of hours and I’ll be over to speak to him.”
“I’ve only just got into to bed and I’m gonna crash out, just gimme a shout when you’re here.”
“Will do. Take it easy, bud. We’ll sort it. If you want him to stay, that is.” Troy speaks kindly.
“Whatever, Troy, I’m outta here.” I end the call and I’m out.
Shooting upright, I wake, sweat cooling on my heated body brings goose bumps up over my body. Fuck! I remember now why I hate those pills: it’s the nightmares they bring on. Shit! Griff has got so deep under my skin. Last night’s dreams were bad enough but, this one, hell—running through the streets and alleyways of Afghanistan, calling for him, screaming out his name. I had to save him but I couldn’t find him, I could hear his cries as he called for me.
I scrub my hand down my face, trying to clear the images from my mind. Looking at my clock, I see I’ve been asleep for a couple hours. Dammit, it’s not enough. Lying back down, I try to get back to sleep but then remember Troy is coming over.
Swinging my legs out of bed, I grab my prosthetic and strap it back on. Gingerly standing, the painkillers have numbed the pain at the base of my spine, I pull on the shorts I wore last night. Picking up my cellphone, I see a message from Troy; he’s on his way. It was sent only fifteen minutes ago so he’ll be here in five, barely enough time to grab a coffee.
The kitchen is empty when I reach it, the door to the yard is open but I’m hesitant to go out there. I hear the front door open and turn to see Troy walking in. Of course, he’s not alone. Raff follows him and he narrows his eyes when he sees me. He’d better not start on me again.
“Hey, Corrie, I didn’t think you’d be awake.” My brother gives me a tentative smile as he strides up to me. “I owe you a huge apology.”
“Yeah, you do; you were a dick this morning.” I turn away but see Griff saunter through the door into the kitchen, fuck! He is divine. He looks at me then to our visitors.
“You’d better having a fucking good apology, McMahon.” Griff snarls as he carries on walking, getting closer to me. My body sings out to him and the scorching look he gives me makes me think he feels it too. “You get some sleep?” He asks, studying me.
“Um, yeah, about an hour, maybe more. Still feeling tired but the pain in my butt has gone.” I glance over at Raff and smile, “Well, one of them has.”
Griff laughs at this then strides to the fridge, “You guys want a drink?” He checks Troy.
He’s playing it cool for a man who contemplates leaving. I’m not sure what his game plan is.
“Are you always a cocky bastard?” Raff snaps at him.
Oh, Jesus, this is going to be messy, but Troy, always the peacemaker, steps in.
“Raff, just get on with it or we’ll be here all day.” Troy gives his husband a stern look. I love watching Raff give in to him.
“Yeah, right. Corrie, I’m sorry I was a dick this morning. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings or take my bad mood out on you.” Raff walks up and gives me a hug and a pat on the back, “Are you okay? You look wrecked.”
“Yeah, I just hurt my ass, and not in a good way.” I wink at my brother who laughs. “I had a shit night’s sleep and…”
“Are you having nightmares again?” Raff interrupts me.