Page 19 of Narrow Margins
“Sometimes, not often. It’s been a rough couple of days and that usually means a bad night.” I refuse to look at Griff, even though I caught him tense up when I spoke.
“Yeah, you’re gonna have to explain all that to me, bro.”
“No, Raff. I don’t have to do that. Anyway, it’s sorted now, I think.” This time I do look at Griff and see him flinch.
Troy decides to take control as he drags Raff back and looks over at Griff, “So, tell me, Griff, what’s going on? Something not going right for you here? It’s only just over seventy-two hours since you signed a contract—an exclusive contract, I may add—and you walk off the set before it’s even started. Care to tell me why?”
“Yeah, okay. First was being summoned from the car like a tardy schoolkid, then I was embarrassed and told to back off after saying a simple hello to your fashion designer. Then I watched a man I have only met a couple of times but have a deep respect for, get shouted at and be humiliated in front of his friends and peers. After that, it got more personal and I’m not prepared to go into details about that. I just feel like, maybe, I should be back racing bikes and not pissing about in make-up and dressing rooms.”
Now, isn’t that simply a kick in the teeth for me? I know I’m still working towards my license to help Ben with his physical therapy unit at the gym. But, mainly, I’ve been modelling; the money is awesome and it’s easy for me. But I still flash my eyes to Griff, showing my annoyance. He does, at least, glance apologetically to me.
“I’m sorry, Corrie, that wasn’t aimed at you. I’m just not sure it’s for me.” Griff apologizes and, when he speaks to me, it seems real and genuine.
“Yeah, I got that message loud and clear this afternoon, Griff.” I turn to Troy, “I don’t think this is anything to do with me so I’m going to watch some TV. I’ll be back tomorrow, Raff; your apology is accepted. Don’t do that to me again.” I walk away, not wanting to hear Griff tell them he’s leaving.
It’s another hour before I see them again and Troy looks pissed and Raff seems angry. Thankfully, neither is aimed at me.
“Corrie, I don’t know what went on between you two but, I think, if you can fix it then he would stay. But, only if you want this. Don’t do it for us, we’re big boys and will find someone else.” Raff sits next to me.
“I don’t know why you think there is anything between us that needs to be fixed, he doesn’t want to work with me.” I shrug and focus back on the screen.
“Corrie, you can cut the air between the two of you with a knife. He can’t keep his eyes off you. There’s no way he’s straight. Not the way the looks at you.” Troy adds his unasked-for opinion.
“I’ll think about it. I think you’re imagining it, but I will think about it.” I want to believe them but the only one who will come out of this hurting is me, and I’ve had enough pain.
“See you tomorrow, Corr, and I am sorry.” Raff smiles sadly at me.
“I know you are, now fuck off and leave me alone.” I grin at them.
The door closes loudly behind them, accentuating the large, empty house. I go back to watching TV, feeling desolate.