Page 33 of Unseen Lord
He covers his face with a pale hand, then looks back at the ball of raging storm ready to destroy us. "Something triggered it. My guess is the Tempest."
I look back, and the path we came down has completely collapsed into itself. Cracks in the stone above us begin to leak as the ocean pushes in to the cavern. We don't have much time.
As if we don't have big enough problems, an explosion shakes the cavern, freeing more stone and dirt and creating cracks in the foundation of the ocean. "What was that?" I ask as I brace myself against a wall while dodging another lightning bolt.
Arias closes his eyes, frowning, and the water pooling at our feet swirls and shifts. Outside, the sounds of explosion escalate. The Rider flinches in his trance, then his eyes pop open. "We're under attack!"
"What? Now? Again?"
"Yes. We need to get out of here."
"The village can't withstand another attack on top of a storm. It must be the Tempest. He's come back for the Spirit."
"Kill me," I say.
"Kill me. I will Renew on land and will run to the village to warn everyone. You deal with the Tempest or whatever until I get back. You have your Druid powers, so you should be fine."
He smirks. "Yes, I'll be fine, thanks for worrying."
He holds his sword up. "Are you sure about this?"
"Yes, do it fast, before I get blasted by lightning again."
I close my eyes and wait for the blow. The Rider is fast and precise, and as the metal pierces my heart, killing me, I Renew on the shore, overlooking the ocean.
The protrusion of rocks that form the underground cave are crumbling, and Arias's turquoise sea creature slithers through the debris, filling the water and growing in size. Lightning is escaping the cavern, adding to the storm in the sky, complete with graying clouds and thunder. In the distance, a ship is poised and ready, and as I squint to get a better look, a cannon comes hurling at the shore, landing in the sand with an explosion.
Is this the Tempest? I can't tell.
I sprint towards the shoreline as the water breaks and the head of the sea creature surfaces with the Rider on its back. He uses his magic to shape the water around him into a bridge that he walks across to join me on land. "Those ships are from Inferna. They are Princess Aya's." He looks crossly at me, as if I caused this.
"Then let's just talk to them," I say, my heart skipping a beat at the thought of Elias being here. Of seeing him again. Holding him. "If they see I'm okay, and that the queen is here, they'll have no reason to fight. Your people will be safe. At least from them. The storm is another matter."
Another cannon ball flies overhead, landing behind us in fire and destruction, shattering several trees that lined the shore.
"They don't look like they're here to talk," he says.
I can't completely argue with him, but… "There's got to be a way. If they're here to save me?"
"What makes you so sure they're here for you?" he asks.
I pause at that. I just assumed. "Why else would they be here?"
At that, the wind around us increased, ripping into foliage and riling up the water into a frenzy of unsteady waves. Thunder drowns out our voices for a moment as lightning cuts through the sky. The dark clouds hovering above continue the deluge of rain pouring over us, obscuring our vision.
Even the Rider, in all his meticulously chosen armor, looked like nothing more than a drowned rat in this weather.
"There is great power on this island. We've kept it hidden for centuries. Until today," he says.
"This is the first time anyone's been here?" I ask, incredulous.
"Yes. And now we have been attacked twice in as many nights." Again, he glares at me like it's my fault. "You must have pulled Elias here with your power."
"Well, buddy, you're the one who dragged me here in the first place, so check yourself before casting blame." I stick a finger in his chest for good measure, and he looks annoyed and bemused simultaneously.
"It is true. I have wrought havoc on my people. I must protect the Storm Spirit. You have to go to the village and warn my parents. Tell them to get the people to safety. All are in danger, both from the attack and the storm. They will already be preparing for the storm, but won't know about the attack."