Page 34 of Unseen Lord
That's fabulous. "So, no to the diplomatic resolution? They are the good guys, remember."
He frowns as another bolt of lightning splits a tree near us. "You overestimate my brother. He is a villain who has committed heinous acts. He has no code. He is not like you."
"And you haven't?" I say.
"Much of my misdeeds are rumors, lies and speculation. I am not as evil as you would like to imagine me, nor am I good. I am necessary. That is all I can claim. I have done what needs doing for the greater good."
"Funny, he would say the same about himself. You two are more alike than you give yourself credit for."
He pauses, as if he's going to say more but changes his mind. "Go, warn the others. I will handle my siblings."
I'm torn. On the one hand, I totes have to save the innocent. That's like my whole job description basically. On the other hands, I don't want Arias hurting Elias or Aya. They don't know what's going on here. Someone needs to talk them down, and it sure as hell isn't going to be the Rider.
Innocent people verses my boyfriend and his sister.
Damnit. Of course I have to save the innocent.
Arias could have killed his brother, but didn't. And I've seen there's some good in him.
I grab the Rider's arm and squeeze. "Don't kill them. Fight if you must. But try to talk. Try to explain. I will warn Kayla and Tavian and then I'll be back. Do. Not. Kill."
"It is not my intention to kill," he says, which does not reassure me in the least.
"Make it your intentionnotto kill anyone, mmkay?"
I accept his half-assed nod as the best I am going to get, and then I run inland, hoping I remember my way in the rain and darkness.
I need to find the Rider's parents. And I needed a way to communicate with Elias so that he will not do the thing he's about to do. I know him. I know he won't forgive himself is he hurts the people of this village.
Whether it's to save me or for some other reason.
There has to be a better way.
And I am going to find it.
As I slip and slide through a tropical forest searching for the most direct path to the village, I don't hear the enemy chasing me until it's too late.
The storm covers his tracks too well.
When he approaches, it is with doom and malice.
And I fear the worst.
A demon.
A blood sucker.
Thenheshows up.
The destroyer of worlds.
The butcher of armies.
The —