Page 64 of I Am the Night
And a thought begins to form.
"What if… "
I look at them all. Each representing the elements that live within me.
I glance at Amora, whose body remains.
And I wonder.
"We can save the world,” I shout over the storm. "But we have to work together."
I look to Cole, the prodigal brother, the lost soul. "We need you," I say.
Tears fill his dark eyes and he nods.
I glance at the rings on my fingers and trace the symbols of darkness and earth in the air. The Night Brothers and I form a circle once more, all of us holding hands, but this time Cole is with us. Six elements. Like the six dragons who first formed this world. I recall the spell Ava'Kara taught me. The one I used to expand the Otherworld. But this time, I’ll use Amora, the Mother of the Dragons, as the focal point.
"It won't work," Ra'Terr says, his body wrapped in his dark wings as he lands from the sky with Brock by his side. They glance quickly at their mother’s corpse, and for a moment I see a hint of sadness in their eyes, but it is quickly gone, replaced by a hard resolve. "The sacrifice has to be from a living dragon." He clutches the poisonous wound at his side, leaning on his sister for support. "Use me," he says simply. "I can be the sacrifice."
Brock turns her head, auburn hair wild in the storm, emotion clouding her eyes. "No. You…”
“It’s the only way,” he says. “I’d rather die like this, then live a moment longer knowing I have failed my people. Use me. I will be the sacrifice. Let me amend for any harm I may have caused those I swore to protect.”
I nod, tears streaming down my face and flying away in the wind, and I resume the spell, this time focused on Ra'Terr. Brock stands away, and they maintain eye contact with each other as I channel all the power the six of us have, into the body of Ra'Terr and into the body of this world.
The storm rages even stronger.
Wind nearly blinds me.
Debris flies through the air.
Still I scream out the words Ava'Kara taught me, infused with every ounce of magic I have left in my body.
"Terry autumn usque ad terram!"
Everything around the Darkness Dragon turns dark, like a black hole spreading from his body, consuming him. Within, a small spark of light begins to glow, growing brighter until it explodes like a dying sun, creating a shining dust that falls to the ground and dissipates into nothing.
Instantly, the storm dies down, the earth stops shaking, and the world becomes eerily silent.
The Friend
Tell all the Truth but tell it slant –
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth’s superb surprise
~Emily Dickinson
Two WeeksLater
The days pass like a dream.I am weak for many of them, drained from my spell, and nearly helpless when the people begin to rebuild what was broken. Two weeks pass before my strength returns, and it is time to go.
The Night brothers and I arrive in the grove early, but already it's crowded with Otherworlders of all kinds. Lily and Kaya are already there waiting for us, and hugs are exchanged as we take our places near the front. Matilda insisted on staying behind to care for the children, but I honestly think this was too much for her. She has kept her identity a secret for so long, I think it's hard for her to be known and to face her past. Healing will take time for everyone, but there is enough love to guide us through.
There's a sense of solemn festivity that often accompanies funerals, which are inherently strange, I've always thought. They are a blend of celebration, mourning, and socializing that lends itself to a singularly unique experience equivalent to an emotional milkshake. Throw every feeling you've ever had together and blend.