Page 65 of I Am the Night
Brock'Mir stands on a platform built for this event. There are no bodies left of her siblings, so she asked me to paint portraits of each of them for the service. Those are placed around her as she addresses the crowd.
"Today we come to honor the sacrifices of my brothers and sisters, and to say goodbye to the Age of the Dragons."
A murmur spreads through the crowd as everyone wonders what that means.
"Ava'Kara was the first amongst us to die. She gave her life willingly to expand this world so that there would be room for everyone who needs sanctuary and safety. For all those who share our bloodline and our magic. We honor her."
There is a moment of silence as I use my magic to bring water up from the land, creating a natural fresh water source. It will flow always, giving refreshment to weary travelers in Kara's name.
"Lyx'Ara spent much of her later life living amongst you, helping you, leading many of you into what is called the New World. She believed in a system that recognized everyone as valid, as belonging, as deserving, and we honor her."
There is a moment of silence and I create a ball of pure white light that brightens the forest around us and will remain there always as a symbol of the light Lyx brought to the world.
"My brother, Ventus'Arak took his own life. In his final message to us, he expressed his deep grief over the unraveling of our world and our family. My heart breaks for his life, and I honor him."
This silence is the most painful for my heart. Suicide cuts twice as deep. But I pull my air magic out and allow a gentle breeze to caress the crowd. Anyone who ventures into this forest will feel the touch of the wind in the Air Dragon's memory.
"As many of you know, my brother Dath'Racul was also murdered, defending the life of one of the Fates. And we honor him."
I create a great bonfire with my magic, the fire burning brightly and providing heat to all around it. It is a fire that will never spread, but will always bring warmth and comfort to those who come here. Racul will be remembered.
"And finally, Ra'Terr gave his last moments of life to aid in saving this world from destruction. To save your lives. And we honor him."
In discussing with Brock how to honor her siblings, this was the hardest and required the most thought. I pull a strand of Darkness from my soul and cast a shadow in the shape of a dragon over the land near us. Anyone who walks through the darkness will feel the power of their own shadow self rise up in them, and will be encouraged to embrace that part of them to become whole.
"We come to the end of our ceremony," Brock says, "but there is one last thing that must be done. I am leaving the Otherworld."
There are gasps and protestations. People crying out asking who will lead them?
She waits until they die down before calling me over to her.
A lump forms in my throat as I walk onto the stage and take my place by her side, tugging at my purple cloak from my past life which Matilda altered to fit my current life.
"Eve Oliver is the Maiden Fate reborn."
This brings a few gasps, but I'm pretty sure that rumor has already spread everywhere.
"She contains within herself all the elements of each of the dragons."
That gets people talking.
"And she has saved our world, twice. First when she expanded it. Second when she stopped my mother from destroying it. Her life is bound to this world and to you. As my last act as High Dragon of the Council of Dragons, I name Eve Oliver my successor on this world and Guardian of the Otherworld."
She pulls from her robe a staff made of a deep black wood with a crystal tip. "Do you accept this responsibility and all it entails?" she asks me.
"I do," I say.
"Then it is done. Eve, Guardian of the Otherworld, High Priestess of the Council of Dragons, Maiden Fate Reborn. My people, you have a new leader, and I know you will be in the best of hands. The Age of Dragons is over, but a new age has arisen, and it is one for all the people of the Otherworld."
A great cheer fills the forest and I can't help the tears that flow down my cheeks. I look to the brothers, all five together, a family as we were always meant to be, and I feel their love and magic pouring into me.
* * *
Later that night,after much celebrating, drinking and eating, we return to the castle with Brock, who looks as tired as I feel. "Are you sure you want to do this tonight?" I ask, for her sake but also mine. This goodbye will be hard.
She nods. "My people are waiting for me. My kingdom, in my true world, does not have a leader. Given my mother's frame of mind, perhaps they have not had one for a very long time. Now that I know my people here are safe, I need to take my place as Queen there."
We walk into the library where Zara and Alina are playing in the crib together. Matilda is asleep in a corner chair so we do not wake her. Liam picks up Zara and holds her close, kissing her forehead, then passes her to the other brothers.