Page 55 of Line of Resistance
The very empty ground.
The blankets, the bags, the food—everything was gone.
Including Eloise.
THIS WHOLE THING was getting ridiculous. How much more shit could the universe throw at them? Hopefully not much because she was too out of shape for all this shit.
Eloise held perfectly still even though her thighs were burning and all she wanted was to run. To tear through the snow until she found somewhere safe to hide.
Preferably somewhere warm with running water and electricity.
And no fucking wolves.
The second Nate took off she’d started packing up, being as quiet as she could while loading both bags and collecting their blankets and water. She’d barely had her boots on when she heard the footsteps that must have woken him up and they sent her doing exactly what he did.
Rushing out into the snow.
Now she was tucked into a copse of trees, hunkered down in a shaking squat, watching as a giant animal sniffed and scratched around their campsite. So far the wolf seemed more interested in finding any food she might have left than hunting her down, but that could change at any minute.
Or he might have a friend roaming around, ready to take her down the second she moved.
So she stayed perfectly still and perfectly quiet, fighting instinct and better judgment.
A slow prickle of awareness crept up her spine, making it tingle where it was pressed against the rough bark of a tree. She hugged her bags tighter, trying to compress them, trying to make herself less noticeable. Less conspicuous.
The wolf stopped, ears pricking as it sniffed the air, cold eyes looking around. It was noticing the same thing she was. Realizing something else was out there.
After a few seconds, the animal went back to its task, continuing to dig at the ground and making enough noise Eloise almost didn’t notice the sound behind her. She didn’t have a chance to peek around the side of the tree before a big hand clamped over her mouth sealing off the yelp attempting to spring free.
“You okay?” Nate’s voice was low in her ear and the calm, comforting sound of it had her pulse slowing right away.
Eloise nodded, turning to face him the second he released her. “Are you?”
“I’m fine.” He snagged the bigger bag from her and slung it over his arm. “We need to get out here.”
He didn’t have to tell her twice. Bears scared the shit out of her, and wolves came in a close second along with coyotes and mountain lions. Anything capable of eating her face off really.
Nate helped her put the backpack on before sliding his gloved hand into hers and leading her in the opposite direction from the one she’d come. They moved slowly, stepping as silently as possible as they put distance between themselves and the wild animal who was now a little too familiar with their scent.
Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into an hour. The more time that passed, the more she was able to relax again. When they reached the edge of the treeline, she was finally feeling a little less panicked.
Right up until Nate stopped dead in his tracks. One long arm swung out, winding around her waist to pin her body behind his. She almost groaned. What in the hell could it be now?
Eloise waited, standing silently as Nate methodically scanned their surroundings. There was nothing to hint at what he was looking for. No strange sounds. No strange smells. Nothing.
But something was definitely making him concerned. And if he was concerned, so was she.
Finally Nate seemed to relax a little, the line of his shoulders easing just a bit as he stepped forward, bringing her along with him. She risked a peek around his big body, hoping to finally figure out what was going on.
Nate’s expression was grim as his eyes came to hers. He lifted one finger, pointing at the open area in front of them. “There’s tracks in the snow.”
Eloise swallowed hard. “Like bear tracks?” For the first time in her life she was hopeful it was a bear they were about to cross paths with.
At least bears didn’t carry automatic weapons.