Page 56 of Line of Resistance
Nate’s expression was tight as he shook his head. “No.”
Eloise pressed one gloved hand to her forehead, trying to will away the panic threatening to send her into a tailspin. “Okay.” She took a steadying breath, her eyes dipping down to the pocket where Nate’s cell phone was. “Do you think this means there might be service here?”
He scrubbed one hand down his face, rubbing his eyes. “Maybe. But if I turn my phone on I risk someone being able to ping it. And if they’re already this close...” Nate’s words drifted off.
“But they would have to be actively looking for it when you turn it on, right? What are the chances they’re continuously trying to ping your phone?” Eloise moved closer, her words coming faster as she tried to convince them both they weren’t completely fucked. “They might not even be doing it at all.” She desperately tried to hold on to a shred of hope the situation wasn’t as dire as it seemed.
But the look on Nate’s face made it impossible.
He closed his eyes, letting out a sharp exhale before opening them again. “When we’re looking for someone, we don’t just check shit when it’s convenient. We are constantly looking for anything that might tell us where they are.” His eyes flicked to the upturned snow before coming back. “I know Heidi is looking for us every second, but they might be too. If we turn on my phone, we’re gambling Heidi finds us first and that my team can get to us before anyone else does.”
She was probably going to die out here. End up as a popsicle in the Alaskan wilderness no one would ever find.
No one but the bears.
And maybe the wolves.
She sniffed as hopelessness weighed in on her. Hopelessness and a surprising amount of grief.
“Hey.” Nate wrapped her in his arms, pulling her close, one big hand coming to cradle her head where it rested against his chest. “Everything is going to be okay.”
Eloise circled both arms at his waist, pressing her face against his coat. “My dad will be so disappointed in me if I die out here like this.”
“You’re not going to die out here.” Nate’s voice was soothing and soft and filled with a conviction she didn’t currently feel.
But desperately wanted to.
Eloise sucked in a breath, the air cold enough it froze her runny nose as she met his eyes. “You promise?”
“Promise.” Nate’s forehead dropped down to rest against hers. “We’re going to get out of this, okay?”
She hadn’t had anyone in her corner in what felt like forever and hearing Nate refer to them as awehelped her feel less afraid. “Okay.”
“And when we do, I’m going to take you on a trip.” Nate stroked her hair, his touch soft and soothing. “So you better start deciding where you want to go.”
She didn’t even have to think about it. “I want to go to Disney World.”
“Deal.” Nate agreed without hesitation.
She laughed. “I was kidding.”
Nate lifted his head from hers. “Too late now.” He took her hand in his, turning back to the footprints slicing across the open space. “Better order yourself a pair of Minnie Mouse ears because there’s no taking it back.”
Thinking about the possibility that there might be something after this perked her up a little. Made her feel a little better. A little more like this might not be the end.
Eloise swiped at her still running nose and took in the tracks, trying to decipher which way they were headed. “Do you think those are from the people who tried to shoot at us?”
“It’s hard to tell. It is a little suspicious that they’re so blatant though.” Nate’s brows pinched together as he continued to study the scene. Unless they want me to know they’re coming after me.”
Eloise huffed out a little laugh. “At least you’re admitting it’s you they’re after.” She straightened her shoulders, feeling just a tiny bit lighter. “Unless they figured out I’m way more of a threat than they realized.” It felt good to be teasing him again. To lose a little of the weight wearing her down.
But Nate didn’t look in a teasing mood when he turned to face her. “There’s only one person trying to figure out how to get their hands on you, and that’s something I’ll deal with when we’re done with this.” The sharpness in the way he said it sent a little thrill through her.
It almost sounded like jealousy. “Who are you talking about?”
Nate scowled. “Fucking Matt. I’m going to take the shit he left on your porch and shove it up his ass.”
She couldn’t stop the grimace that took over her face. “Ugh. Matt.” In all the craziness she’d forgotten about him. About his glitter coated bullshit.