Page 89 of Point of Contact
Heidi sighed again. "I guess it'll be interesting to see what Vincent does now. I don't really imagine he’s the kind of man who would go into hiding and lick his wounds."
Harlow shrugged. "Not really our problem, is it?"
"No." Heidi chewed her lower lip, unsuccessfully smothering out the hint of a smile. "But I'm definitely going to keep my eye on him. Just to see what he does."
Courtney shot Heidi a grin. "Nosy."
"Absolutely I am." She leaned Courtney's way. “Don't tell me you aren't just a little interested to see what kind of a fit he throws next." Heidi’s expression turned serious. "Because he is definitely going to throw a fit and, honestly, I need to make sure he doesn’t try to drag us into the middle of it again."
Courtney refocused on her task, just to make sure she didn't get the same dirty look Heidi got. "I don't care what he does, as long as he doesn't fuck with Reed."
Eva grinned across the counter from her spot next to Harlow. "You might want to keep a metal folding chair handy just in case."
Everyone around her laughed, enjoying the fact that she'd hit the head of GHOST up the side of his head with a folding chair almost as much as she did.
Harlow wiped at the corner of one eye with the sleeve of her sweater. "Man, what I wouldn't give to have been there to see that."
Heidi suddenly straightened. "Do you want to see it? It's pretty fucking hilarious."
Harlow's eyes widened. "Are you serious? You have it?"
Heidi smirked. "Of course I have it."
Harlow’s jaw dropped. "How? I thought Vincent upped the security at GHOST to make sure you couldn't get in anymore."
"Pshh." Heidi rolled her eyes with a laugh. "Did you really think that was going to work?" Her mouth quirked as she eyed Harlow. "I'm a little surprised you didn't try to get it yourself."
Harlow groaned. "I've been busy. Pierce has got me hacking into shit all over the country, trying to figure out where the best place would be to put our next location."
Naomi raised one hand. "I vote for Florida."
Courtney wrinkled her nose. "I vote for anywherebutFlorida."
Naomi cringed. "Fair point. Sort of forgot Florida sucked for you." She thought for a second. "What about Texas?"
Bess snuck a few slivers of shredded carrot from Heidi’s pile, tossing them into her mouth. “Do we really care where the new location is? It’s not like any of us are going there.”
Naomi shot her a grin. “But we could visit.”
Heidi finished up her task, scooting her carrots into a neat pile. “In that case, I vote for Hawaii.”
“Me too.” Mona blew out a long breath. “But I’m pretty sure Hawaii’s not on the table. Pierce is looking for something a little more centrally located.”
“What about Nashville?” Savannah, one of the quieter members of the girl gang surrounding her, made the suggestion so softly Courtney almost missed it.
But her sister, Sadie, made sure she wasn’t ignored. “That’s a really good idea.” Sadie focused her dark gaze on Mona. “What about Nashville?”
Mona turned her attention to Savannah. “Have you been there?”
Savannah chewed her lower lip, looking hesitant as she shook her head. “But I see a lot about it on Instagram. It looks really nice. And the location might be what you’re looking for.”
“I think Nashville is a good idea too.” Courtney piped up, adding more support. She’d heard bits and pieces of what Savannah had been through and wanted to make sure the other woman knew there were people who had her back.
And she would definitely slam someone with a folding chair for sweet, shy Savannah.
"Me three." Harlow focused on Savannah, her normally clipped tone softening. "Maybe you could help me scope the place out. See if we think it would be a good fit."
Savannah’s eyes widened and she seemed to shrink back. "I don't think I would be very useful."