Page 90 of Point of Contact
Harlow opened her mouth, probably to argue that Savannah was capable of being more than useful, but Sadie barely shook her head and Harlow's lips clamped shut.
Whatever terrible thing had happened was clearly still affecting Savannah. Making her withdrawn and hesitant. Or, maybe that's just who she was, which was more than fine.
Courtney finished up her task, wiped her hands, and went to sit at the table where Savannah and Sadie carried on a soft conversation, taking the chair on Savannah's other side. She gave her a careful smile, trying her best not to come on too strong. Especially since coming on strong was her nature. But she wanted Savannah to know she would be there for her. That they could be the two who didn't have their hands in Alaskan Security's mess together.
She motioned at Savannah's dress. It was feminine and pretty and a stark contrast to Courtney's new uniform of leggings and one of Reed’s sweatshirts. "I really like your dress."
Savannah glanced her way before dropping her eyes back to where she wrung her hands in her lap. "Thank you."
Courtney stretched her legs out, leaning back in the seat, trying to look relaxed. "I've been thinking of updating my wardrobe. I probably need to have something to wear besides leggings and hoodies." She peeked Savannah's way, hoping the other woman might bite. "Maybe you could go shopping with me and help me pick some things out."
Savannah's eyes lifted to hers as she rubbed her lips together. For a second Courtney thought she was going to turn her down, but finally Savannah barely nodded. "I could do that."
Courtney smiled, feeling like she'd accomplished something enormous. "Awesome. I'll get with you after dinner and we can come up with a time."
Savannah gave another tiny nod. "Okay."
A chorus of deep voices suddenly amplified the already loud conversation filling the kitchen and common area as Rogue spilled out of the walkway, looking lethally attractive in their matching white tactical gear. The men went straight for the women and kids throughout the space, grabbing giggling toddlers and swinging them into the air before hauling wives close.
Courtney was on her feet before Reed made it halfway across the space, racing toward him before launching herself at him. He caught her easily, strong arms banding around her waist as their bodies collided. It was the way she greeted him every time he came home.
And this was definitely home.
His lips met hers in a quick kiss. “How was your day?”
She beamed up at him, even more happy now that he was at her side. “Awesome. I helped your mom all morning and then all the girls came to finish getting dinner ready.”
“I think they’re going to miss having her here to feed everyone.” Reed caught her lips in another kiss. “But they’re going to have to get over it. Because I’m ready to be moved into our new home.”
Our new home. It was something she’d never get tired of hearing him say.
And it was a gift she would never take for granted. Alaska was supposed to be her new beginning and had more than fulfilled her expectations.
Her hopes.
Courtney leaned into him, looping one arm around his neck and pulling him close. “Me too.”
"NO PEEKING." REED cupped both hands over Courtney's eyes as he led her across the back lot at Alaskan Security’s headquarters.
"How in the hell am I going to peek? I can’t see through your freaking hands." Her steps were slow and careful, almost like she expected him to lead her right into a wall.
Or maybe an abandoned footbridge.
"I'm just making sure you're behaving. You have a history of not being a good listener." Reed stopped, parking Courtney in front of the early wedding gift he had for her. "Ready?"
She snorted. "I guess that depends on what I'm about to see."
"I think you’ll like it." He eased his hands away, sliding them down to rest on her hips as Courtney blinked, squinting as she adjusted to the brightness of the late spring sun. He could tell the second she found focus. There was a brightening of her expression and her jaw dropped.
"Holy shit." One hand clamped over her mouth as she stared, dark eyes swinging to him before going back. "She'sbeautiful."
Reed wrapped both arms around her middle, pulling her body against his. "You like?"
Courtney blinked a few times. "I love."