Page 13 of Covert Operation
And my new eyes tell me it sucks. The walls are empty and bland, still painted the muted gray slathered on by the builder. The floors are gorgeous hardwood, but not a single area rug breaks up the expanse. The only thing on the granite kitchen counters is a coffee maker and the air-fryer I use to make most of my meals.
There’s no curtains. No color. No warmth. No cute little decorations or lamps or the candles I used to love so much.
And I freaking hate it.
There’s not much I can do about it tonight, but I can get the ball rolling.
I grab my laptop from where it’s charging on the desk built into the kitchen cabinets. Pausing in front of the fridge, I dig out a container of pre-sliced cheese and a bottle of water. Aftercollecting a sleeve of crackers and a pack of fig bars from the pantry, I take my load to the sectional and settle in.
Pierce was kind enough to hire movers to pack up my house and bring all my belongings here, but I’ve never had the energy to deal with anything besides the basics. As a result, the bulk of what I own is still locked up in a pod stored on the other side of Fairbanks. At least until Thursday, which, based on the storage company’s website, is the earliest they can deliver it here.
I schedule that, then pull up one of my favorite stores. Stacking cheese on crackers, I scroll through their offerings, adding anything that tickles my fancy into the virtual basket I’m filling to the brim. I know stuff won’t make me happy, but feeling like this place is my home will. And for the first time in a long time I’m excited. Looking forward to the future.
To who I might be now.
“YOU’LL BE GONE for a few days. Maybe a week.” Pierce leans back in his seat. “I want to know what’s happening and why.”
I normally don’t mind being sent out. It breaks up the monotony of my days and gives me something new to look at. But yesterday was rough for Savannah, and I don’t like the thought of leaving her so soon. “I thought you were done with Vincent?”
Pierce’s jaw ticks at the mention of the man he once considered a friend. The manIonce considered a friend. “Done isn’t really an option in our line of work.” His eyes are sharp, gaze hard. “And he’s made it clear he can’t be trusted. His trip to Tennessee is highly unusual, so I want to know why he’s there.”
I can’t fault his reasoning. Alaskan Security used to work closely with the head of GHOST. We tackled ops together, using each other’s abilities and resources to accomplish just about anything, making us an unstoppable team.
Right up until Vincent got a stick up his ass and decided to turn on us in a failed attempt to prove GHOST’s superiority.
I don’t love the thought of facing him after that, and I’m not thrilled at the prospect of trying to gain intel on someone just as skilled as we are. Especially someone as conniving as Vincent has proven himself to be. “And if he catches us?”
Pierce’s lips curve into a hint of a smile. “I don’t think you have to worry about that.”
Something’s happened in the stupid cat and mouse game Pierce and Vincent are playing. I wish I cared, but I’m sick of the dumbassery. “Fine.” I stand, ready to get started so I can get done. “I’m taking Quinn and Maddox .” If I have to do this, I want to choose who has to suffer alongside me.
“Fine.” Pierce waves a hand dismissively. “Whoever you think is best suited.”
Surethat’s how I picked. Definitely not whoever I hate to spend time with the least. “When are we leaving?”
“I’ve got Rico on standby. He will be ready when you are.” Pierce stands. “Thank you. I know you’re not thrilled about leaving considering you have more important things going on.”
My eyes snap to my boss’s face and I try to discern what he’s getting at. What he thinks he knows.
Pierce smirks. “I know everything that happens in and around my company.” His lips curve a little more. “Especially when it’s happening right under my nose.”
“She asked me for help.” The defense slips right out. At one point, Pierce discovered a similar situation going on with the woman he eventually married. And to say he was unhappy with me would be a huge understatement. “She wants to feel safe again. That’s all.”
It was the same for Mona. She wanted to feel in control of her life again. Capable of handling the shit coming her way.
And she was. Thanks to the time she spent with me, Mona was able to save not only her own skin, but that of her friends when they were dragged out into the freezing Alaskan night by one of our many enemies.
“I’m sure.” Pierce’s expression slips, turning serious. “If anyone can help her do it, it’s you.” His smirk returns. “Luckily, there’s no one ready to flay the skin from your bones for looking at Savannah, so I’m sure this will be a much easier experience than you had with my wife.”
He’s giving me shit, but I barely notice it because I have a visceral reaction to the thought of someone pursuing Savannah. “That’s fucking good, because she’s not in a place to fend off unwanted advances from some stupid prick.”
“Who’s a stupid prick?” Heidi, one of Alaskan Security’s resident hackers, strides in and stops, looking between me and Pierce. “Ugh.” Her head falls back on a groan. “Is he sending you to Nashville?”
“Don’t start with me.” Pierce holds one hand up. “You don’t know what Vincent’s capable of.”