Page 61 of Covert Operation
I dig out my cell, making a mental note to have Heidi get Savannah her own untraceable phone when we get back to Alaska. She needs to be able to call me whenever she wants and she needs to be able to do it without fear of it being used against her.
Dialing my number three contact, I wait for it to connect.
“I was wondering when the hell you were gonna call and tell me what the fuck is going on.” Heidi’s pissed. I don’t blame her.
But she’s gonna have to get over it.
“I had other shit to do.” I glance at the woman beside me. “I need you to send the team to Memphis instead of Nashville.”
There’s a pause, which is unusual. Heidi is rarely without words. “Uhh… Why?”
“I have to take Savannah somewhere safe, and I have a friend there who can help me out.” At least I hope we’re still friends. It’s been years since we’ve spoken. But he owes me, and tonight I’m cashing in. “We’re on the road now.”
“Of course you are.” Heidi sighs, her snark back in full force when she asks, “Should I even ask what you’re driving?”
I grit my teeth because I’m not thrilled with the answer. “It’s an 03 Dodge Neon.”
More silence. “I’m gonna need you to repeat that.”
“You heard me.” I risk pushing the gas a little harder, ignoring the rattle that comes with it. “And I think there’s a good chance this thing’s going to fall apart before I reach Memphis, so tell the guys on cleanup they might have to reassemble it.”
“THIS IS WHERE we’re going?” Savannah’s eyes drift around the industrial area on the outskirts of Memphis. “It looks like what Pierce is hunting for. Maybe we should have him check around here.”
“Don’t give him any ideas.” I pull onto a dead-end street lined with large block buildings. “He’ll have us property hunting all over the state.”
Savannah leans to peer out her window as we pass what looks like an old fire station someone turned into a house. “You think he’s still going to want to come here?” She turns my way. “I kinda thought he might not find Nashville as appealing now.”
“I guess that depends on what Heidi and Harlow and the rest of Intel find out.” I turn into the driveway my GPS indicates and pull alongside the boxy building next to it, brows lifting as I discover just how big the place really is.
When I knew Christian, we were a lot alike. On our own and looking for a way to get somewhere in life. But while I decided enlisting was the quickest way to ensure a roof over my head, he made a different—and much less legal—choice.
And yet we ultimately landed in oddly similar places. Except, it would appear my old friend now owns one hell of a huge house, making the empty suite I call home even more depressing.
I park the stolen car outside of the detached garage sitting at the back of the small lot and climb out, unsurprised to find Christian standing on the back stoop, one dark brow angled as he looks me over. “You are the last person I expected to show up on my doorstep tonight.”
A willowy blonde woman peeks out from behind him, her eyes widening. “You know him?”
Christian slowly smiles. “I do.” Turning to her, he tucks the thick sweater wrapped around her body a little closer. “Go back inside where it’s warm. I’ll be in soon.”
She gives me another long look before finally nodding, leaning close to whisper something in his ear, then disappearing into the house.
Christian watches her go. Once she’s out of sight, he comes down the stairs to grip me in a tight embrace. “It’s been a long fucking time.”
“It has.” I lean back, hands on his shoulders as I assess the changes in him. “You look good, man.”
When we met, Christian and I were both underfed, unwanted, and angry at the world.
But now…
His grin widens. “Better than I did back when we ran around together, that’s for fucking sure.” He shifts, looking over my shoulder as a car door slams. His eyes come to mine before drifting away again. “This just got way more interesting.”
I turn, dragging Savannah into my side as she watches my friend with a wary gaze. Motioning his way, I say, “Savannah, this is Christian.”
Christian tips his head in a nod. “Why don’t you two come inside? Do you have bags to—” His gaze settles on the car behind us. “What in the hell are you driving?”
“It’s a long story.” I’m already leading Savannah to the back door. It’s fucking cold outside and she’s had a rough day.
“It better be, because I’m feeling real judgy.” He bends at the waist. “Is that bumper held on with duct tape?”