Page 62 of Covert Operation
“Probably.” I don’t look back as I mention, “It’s also stolen.”
Christian chuckles. “That’s less surprising than the duct tape.” He finally turns to follow behind us. “You need me to make it disappear?”
Savannah’s eyes snap to my face, widening.
“Stolen might have been the wrong word.” I pull her closer as we reach the steps. “Borrowed is a better way to put it.”
Christian laughs. “I forgot you live on both sides of the law now.”
It’s an accurate assessment of what I do. Some days I’m working shoulder to shoulder with cops, other days I keep company with mercenaries. “I lean whatever way gets the job done.”
“And what way are you leaning tonight?” Christian’s tone doesn’t carry any judgment. Only curiosity. Making me more certain in my decision to come here.
“Whatever way keeps her safe.”
Christian’s gaze flicks to Savannah before leveling on me. “Then you’re in the right place.” He steps around us to open the door, holding it while I cross the threshold, bringing Savannah with me into my friend’s home.
“Oh, wow.” Savannah stands on the mat inside the door, her green eyes scanning the space. “This is beautiful.”
“Thanks.” Christian comes in behind us, closing the door before flipping the deadbolt and setting the alarm. “It was a labor of love.” He goes to where the blonde who peeked out earlier stands at the counter of the large island, chewing her lower lip as she silently watches us. “This is my wife, Lydia.”
A tug of guilt pulls at my gut. It hadn’t occurred to me that Christian would have a wife or girlfriend here with him. It should have—most men our age do—but it didn’t. Because I thought he’d still be like me.
I was real fucking wrong.
“I’m sorry to drop in on you like this.” I direct my apology at her more than him and start to tell them we can go somewhere else, but Savannah cuts me off.
“Your kitchen is so pretty.” She bends to unzip her boots then lines them at the edge of the rug. “I’m in love with it.” She goes to stand on the opposite side of the island, running one hand along the surface of the counter. “Did you pick all this out?”
“Not a single thing.” Lydia gives Savannah a shy smile as she shakes her head. “Christian did it all.” She turns to the coffee maker, filling the reservoir with water. After loading some coffee into a filter she sets it to run then turns back to Savannah, pride in her voice when she says, “He owns a company that does demo, specializing in luxury homes.”
“It shows.” Savannah sighs as she continues looking around. “This house is gorgeous.”
“Would you like a tour?” Lydia’s voice is soft as she makes the offer.
“I would love one, but only if you really don’t mind.” Savannah deflates a little. “I know you weren’t expecting company.”
Lydia laughs. “We’re always expecting company.” She moves out to the hall situated between the kitchen and great room. “Come on. We can get your coat hung up too.”
Savannah starts to walk away, but hesitates, turning back to me as if looking for my okay. Like she wants to be sure it’s fine to be out of my sight.
It’s not, but I’ll have to get over it.
“I’ll be right here.” I tug her close, pressing a kiss to her lips in front of someone I know for the first time. The easy way she leans into me soothes a little of the turmoil still bubbling through my veins over the danger I’ve put her in, but it’s still hard as hell to let her go. I watch as she walks away, my fingersitching to grab her and pull her back to me as she disappears from sight.
When she’s finally gone, I turn to find Christian smirking at me with a knowing look. Whatever he thinks, I’m not denying any of it. I’m also not so interested in explaining it either, so I tell him why I’m here instead. “Some shit went down in Nashville today.” I lay out all that happened, not holding anything back. Christian knows what I do and has no room to judge. He’s done just as much bad shit as I have. That’s why we’re friends. We share a mutual understanding.
When I finish, he lets out a low whistle. “That’s fucking crazy, man.” He pulls the coffee pot off the maker and pours me a cup, sliding it across the counter before doing the same for himself. “You think anyone followed you here?”
“No.” I settle into one of the stools pushed up to the counter and sip the boiling hot liquid. “If it was just me I would have stayed in town, but…”
“Not with her.” He finishes for me. “Don’t blame you.” Christian leans back against the counter behind him, crossing both arms over his chest. “No one will get close without us seeing them. My brothers and I own the whole street and we’ve got cameras everywhere.”
I take a deep breath, hoping the tension making my head hurt will start to ease at the information. “I knew you’d be set up.” I look around. “Didn’t expect it to be quite so fucking posh though.”
Christian grins. “Home is where the heart is, man.”
I swallow down more coffee, mulling over the comment. “I’m thinking I might look into getting a place myself.”