Page 74 of Covert Operation
Proving her claim, Savannah is right behind me, arching against me, her green eyes never leaving mine as three words slip through my lips.
And I’ll never take them back.
“I BET IT’S nice having your stuff.” Lydia sits next to me at the island sipping her coffee.
“Super nice.” I don’t mention the computer in front of me isn’t mine. It’s Zeke’s. “It was great to relax yesterday, but I was starting to get antsy.” Especially without Zeke. I’ve gotten so used to having him around, and yesterday gave me a taste of what it’s going to be like once our lives go back to normal and he’s back to being the head of Shadow and traveling all over the place.
It’s going to suck.
I’m going to have to figure out how to keep myself busy in his absence, and today will be a great trial run. At least I won’t be on my own. Christian’s at work too, but Lydia and Maddox are here with me, so I have people to talk to. To keep me from feeling like I’m right back where I started—sitting alone in a house staring at the walls.
“What’s on your docket for the day?” Lydia tucks both feet up into the seat of her stool, hugging her knees to her chest. “Anything exciting?”
“Well…” I take a deep breath, because I’m about to spill a lot. Things I haven’t told anyone. Technically not even Zeke. “The company we work for is planning to open a location close to Nashville and I’d really like to keep looking for options for that.” I press my lips together before adding on the bit I care about most. “Zeke and I will be coming here too, and I’d love to find a place for?—”
The loud chime I’ve mostly gotten used to echoes through the house, indicating someone’s here, and Lydia and I both turn to watch Maddox as he disappears into the main hall. I kinda feel bad that the poor guy’s been relegated to serve as a glorified doorman, but so far he hasn’t seemed to mind. That’s probably another reason Zeke left him. The man’s basically a lethal golden retriever.
I know there’s something else that made Zeke choose Maddox for this job. I haven’t figured out yet, but, based on the flicker of emotion I caught on Zeke’s face yesterday when I was questioning him, I’m probably not going to like it.
And it’s probably going to break my heart.
“Are you fucking kidding me? You’re here too and didn’t bother to freaking call me?”
My eyes widen at the voice that carries into the kitchen. I barely manage to get on my feet before Sadie bursts into view, her expression murderous. “I’m going to kill your boyfriend.”
I open my mouth to explain that Zeke isn’t my boyfriend, but I doubt she’ll be any happier to hear he’s probably more than that, so I settle for a weak, “I’d rather you didn’t.”
Sadie scowls at me. “Fine. I’ll just mess him up a little.” She storms my way, voice loud as she continues ranting. “Do you know how many times I’ve tried calling him to find out what the fuck is going on?” She holds up both hands, fingers splayed. “Ten.”
Jamison comes in behind her, silently shaking his head as he mouths the word, twenty, at me.
“Didn’t Pierce tell you?” I haven’t had my phone since we left Nashville, but I genuinely expected someone to tell Sadie I was fine and staying with Zeke’s friend in Memphis. We might not be on the same page about a lot of things, but I would never leave her to worry like that.
“He told me you were fine.” She fights her coat, wrestling with the zipper. “But it’s not the same as hearing from someone who’s actually here.” Sadie shoots Maddox a glare. “I didn’t realize freaking everyone was here.”
“Not everyone is here.” I know she’s frustrated, but I won’t let her take it out on Maddox. He’s been babysitting me without complaint even though I’m positive he’d rather be out with everyone else doing whatever exciting things they’re doing. “Just Shadow.”
“Zeke still should have called me.” Sadie’s not letting it go. “He knows damn well I would want to hear this shit straight from the horse’s mouth.”
“He’s been a little freaking busy,” I snap. “You know, trying to figure out who in the heck attempted to blow us up.” She can bemad, that’s fine. But she’s not gonna act like Zeke did anything wrong. He didn’t. He’s doing exactly what he’s always promised. He’s keeping me safe. Doing whatever it takes to protect me.
And I’ll do the same for him.
“So if you’re going to be mad at someone”—I stand taller, lifting my chin—“be mad at me.”
Sadie’s expression softens. “I would never be mad at you.” She gives up arguing with her coat and comes to me, hands gripping my shoulders. “I can only imagine how all of this has affected you.” Her dark brows pinch together. “That’s why I’m here. Jamison and I got a room a few minutes from here. We’re sticking around until we figure out what’s going on. I knew you’d need someone in your corner.”
If I was mad before, I’m freaking pissed now. Insinuating Zeke isn’t in my corner is crossing the line. “My corner is just fine, thank you.”
Sadie’s head bobs back like I slapped her. “What does that mean?”
“It means I’m doing just fine, so you and Jamison can go do your Florida thing.” My sister used to be the person I was closest to in the world, but right now it feels like there’s a world between us instead. “Maybe a little space would be good for us.”
I know we need to find new ground, but this isn’t the time or the place. There’s too much happening. Too much changing. Too much I’m looking forward to. Sadie’s only going to try to drag me back to those dark places I fought so hard to escape.