Page 75 of Covert Operation
My sister opens her mouth, no doubt ready to tell me how soon I’ll be just like I used to be, but an oddly loud ringing cuts heroff and drags every set of eyes in the room to a cell sitting on the table by the back door.
“Shit.” Lydia jumps up and races to grab it. By the time it’s pressed to her ear, her complexion has paled by about three shades. “Do you need immediate help?” She starts to pace as she listens to whoever’s on the other end of the line. One hand comes to rest against her head as she zips from one side of the room to the other, moving faster with each passing second.
Suddenly she stops, her eyes jumping to me before drifting to where Sadie stands beside me. “Send me the address. I’ll have someone there within the hour.” Lydia’s eyes stay on my sister as she disconnects the phone. “I need your help.”
“Zeke is going to lose his shit.” Sadie frowns as we close in on the address the woman Lydia spoke with less than an hour ago gave her. “When he finds out I brought you here?—”
“He won’t be upset.” I know it with absolute certainty. Will he hate that he wasn’t here to go with me? Sure. But he won’t be mad that I’m here to help a woman suffering. He would never try to keep me from helping someone else. Not ever.
Sadie stares at me like she’s never seen me before. Like I’m a complete stranger. “Oh.” Her lips purse, but not before I see the slight wobble of her chin. “Sounds like you know him pretty well.”
“I do.” I can still hear the defensiveness in my voice. I’m not trying to make her feel bad, I’m genuinely not. But I will defend Zeke against anyone. Including her.
“Two minutes,” Maddox updates us as he exits the highway.
Jamison shifts around where he sits in the front passenger seat of the black SUV we loaded into, checking his weapons. Sadie’s hurt gaze lingers on me a second longer before she turns away to do the same, systematically going through each deadly item hidden on her slim frame.
“When we pull up, I go in first.” Jamison is all business as he rattles off the plan I’ve already heard three times. Like he thinks I’m going to suddenly decide I’m the best first wave of offense.
I barely suppress rolling my eyes. After spending so much time with Zeke, I forgot what it’s like dealing with people who don’t know me as well. “Lydia and I will stay here with Maddox until you give us the all-clear,” I finish for him so he knows I’m not incapable of following basic instructions.
Jamison’s brows lift, but he doesn’t say anything about my slightly snarky tone. Just nods and turns back to face the road as we turn onto a side street lined with gorgeous homes.
It’s something so many people don’t realize. There are bad men in every income bracket. Sometimes the more money they have the worse they are. They can pay to shut mouths and change stories. They have the funds to turn allies and close off escape paths.
Little does this guy know he’s about to face someone with just as much money as he’s got.
And a whole hell of a lot more power.
I know Sadie and I are in a not-so-great place, but I’m still filled with pride as we pull to a stop and she unloads right behind her husband, sticking close as they make their way toward the sidedoor the woman we’re coming to rescue indicated would be the best access point.
“There are cameras all over that place.” Lydia leans across me, trying to get a better look at the expansive property. “I hope she’s right about this, or we’re going to have to deal with a bunch of shit.”
“No you’re not.” I smile as Sadie and Jamison move as one, carefully picking their way through the snowy landscape in a path that will make them the least likely to be seen if the woman wasn’t able to turn off all the cameras she hoped she could. “Sadie and Jamison will deal with it.” I turn to Lydia, taking my eyes off my sister for just a second. “And this prick won’t like the way they deal with things.”
Lydia’s eyes come to mine, locking on as they widen.
I think she just had the same thought I did.
Unfortunately, we don’t get the chance to discuss the possibilities that lie between us, because when Jamison barks out Lydia’s name, we both scramble out the door Sadie left open. Maddox is right behind us, scanning our surroundings as I do my best to follow the same path my sister and her husband did.
The side door we were instructed to use leads to a mud room that’s perfectly organized and so clean I’d for sure eat off the floor. A pretty blonde woman with big blue eyes and soft curves stands with my sister. She trembles as big fat tears roll down her cheeks, tracking over the swell of a purple bruise coloring her fair skin. Sadie speaks to her softly while Jamison collects the single bag at her feet.
“Are you okay?” Lydia’s eyes narrow. “Did he hit you again?”
“Let’s get moving.” Jamison hefts the bag off the floor and motions for us to leave. “The longer we stand here, the more likely we’ll have to deal with someone none of us want to deal with.”
“I want to deal with him.” Lydia’s words are laced with venom. “I want to peel his skin off his body one strip at a time and then dip him in a vat of lemon juice.”
Jamison and Maddox both stop and stare at the woman who seemed so sweet and quiet. So gentle and calm.
I just smile, because I’d be happy to help her with that task.
My sister seems impressed, giving Lydia an approving once-over as she passes with the blonde woman still tucked under her arm. “You’re vicious.”
I lean into Lydia’s side as we follow behind Sadie and the woman. “That’s a compliment.”
“I took it as one.” Lydia gives me a little smile. “Believe it or not, it’s not the first time someone’s called me that.”