Page 37 of Wicked Little Tricks
He frowned, lowered his hand, and stepped back from me and the door. “He has not shared his intentions with me. I do not know why he’s interested in you.”
“Okay, then tell me why he’s interested in my mother.”
Gabriel shrugged. “Pure blood celestials are of interest to many. You should know that.”
“Okay, fine. Then what’s his deal with Sebastian?”
“Old rivals, and nothing more. That is all I will say.”
His fists clenched at his sides and he looked pretty pissed, so I decided it was in my best interest to let it go. Mistral might want me alive, but it wouldn’t stop this guy from smacking me in a fit of anger. I looked athis massive hands. A smack that could easily prove fatal.
“Okay,” I sighed. “I won’t tell Mistral what you told me.” I stepped out of his way.
He lifted his gaze and went for the door, exiting silently.
Shaking my head, I went back out and fetched the towels and soap he’d been leaving for me. I wouldn’t mind a hot bath before bed. I still had a lot to think about.
The next morningI opened my eyes to find Gabriel standing over me, looking down at me with mild distaste. I was pretty sure I had locked the door, and yet, I wasn’t surprised that he was in my room.
I remained lying comfortably on my pillow looking up at him. “Where ishis Lordship?”
Gabriel glowered. “Were you expecting breakfast in bed?”
I tossed the covers back, glad I’d slept in my jeans. “Hardly. That would take far too much time, and I have things to do.” My movements woke Ringo, who scurried closer to me, away from Gabriel.
“I’m sure you do, spy.”
Shaking my head, I reached for my boots on the floor. My first order of business would be to call Braxton and make sure he was still alright. Then I would find myownbreakfast, and head to the Silver Quarter.
I could feel Sebastian’s calling card that had slipped down to the sole of my boot beneath my foot, but I was not about to pull it out in front of Gabriel. So despite my discomfort, I left it there, laced my boots, then stood. “Is there any faster way to get out of here than walking? Not that our last stroll wasn’t lovely…”
His arms remained crossed as he looked me up and down. “Are you hoping for a magic portal?”
“Well, that would be convenient.”
He scoffed, then turned away. “Come.”
I stopped to pull my messenger bag over my shoulder, then opened it for Ringo to hop inside.
Gabriel was already waiting outside the door expectantly.
“I need to use the bathroom first,” I realized.
He continued to stare.
Shaking my head, I left Ringo in my bag on the bed and went into the adjoining bathroom. I was anxious to be on my way, but I took a little longer than was necessary just to irritate Gabriel. I couldn’t help myself.
When I was done, I went out to find him waiting in exactly the same place, with exactly the same expression.
Keeping my amusement to myself, I fetched Ringo then followed Gabriel through the halls, seeing no sign of Mistral, but I’d be damned if I was going to ask about him again.
Eventually, we reached the ground floor and went outside where two horses waited.One was massive with a gleaming black coat, and the smaller one was white. They both stood perfectly obedient, their reins not tethered to anything. A low gate stood open beyond shrubs left to their own devices, growing wild and twisted.
I looked down at Ringo peeking out of my bag, then over at Gabriel as he situated the reins on the larger horse.“Ringo doesn’t exactly need his own horse,” I said.
Gabriel looked back over his shoulder, rolling his eyes at me. “You could get lost inside a shoebox. I’ll show you out.”