Page 38 of Wicked Little Tricks
I wasn’t going to argue, because he was probably right. I would very likely get lost.
Gabriel mounted his horse, then looked down at me expectantly.
I cast a wary glance at the white horse. It seemed tame enough, but, “That thing isn’t going to buck me off, is it?”
“You’ve never ridden.” His voice was deadpan.
I lifted a hand, palm out. “Guilty as charged.”
Rolling his eyes again, he sidled his horse toward me, then grabbed my hand. Suddenly I was airborne. He not so gracefully plopped me onto the saddle right in front of him.
“This isn’t exactly what I had in mind.” I situated the bag with Ringo inside on my lap, feeling the press of Gabriel’s warm body against my back.
“Just shut up. You’ll be of no use to any of us if you break your head open on a rock.” His arm went around my waist, pulling me more firmly against him just ashe kicked the horse into motion, and there was no more arguing. We rode through the open gate, leaving the other horse behind.
I desperately sought something to hold onto, but the smooth, rustic saddle didn’t offer much, and I thought the horse might object to me tugging on its flowing mane. I ended up gripping Gabriel’s arm around me, relaxing at the feel of his corded muscles. If he could lift me with one arm, he could probably keep me from falling off a horse.
With the wind kissing my cheeks and flowing through my hair, I took it all in. The goblin lands passed by, hues of rich green and yellow streaking across my vision. It was still too damp and muddy, but from horseback, it wasn’t the most unpleasant sight. Occasional bright bursts of color from flowers and berries caught my eye as we passed them, and the chill morning air coated my bare skin with dew, making the goblin behind me seem even warmer.
It was exhilarating, riding so freely, feeling almost weightless since Gabriel was doing the work of keeping me in the saddle. I could almost pretend that we were in another time, and another place. Some far off realm where riding horses across lush open fields was the norm.
Eventually we neared the gates, and I found myself almost disappointed. Maybe I was a fan of horseback riding after all.
Gabriel halted the horse, then slid to the ground.Without asking he put his hands around my waist, lifting me off before setting me lightly on my feet. I stood still for a moment, a little wobbly from the ride.
“I would say we would find you when we are ready,” Gabriel grumbled, his hands still lightly around my waist, “but something tells me you’ll be seeking sanctuary soon again.”
“Trust me,” I said sweetly, and a little breathlessly. “True sanctuary would not includeyou.”
He scoffed, then released me to turn back to the horse, but I could feel him watching me as I walked toward the gate with Ringo peeking out of my bag.
“We’ll have more fried potatoes?” Ringo whispered.
I was thinking more about eggs and bacon, but I imagined a side of fries could happen. “Sure. More fries.”
I pushed open the gate, then shifted over the boundary, catching one last glimpse of Gabriel still watching me leave.
I brokethe yolk on my sunny side up eggs with a triangle of toast, swirling it around to coat the bread. The waitress had looked at me a little funny when I ordered a side of fries with my breakfast, but the happy munching sounds from my bag were worth it. I had already talked to Braxton, he was fine. No one had bothered him after he went home.
I couldn’t help but wonder if it was Lilith’s doing. I would have to seek her out again, but in a more covert way.
I felt a pulse of magic from the card in my boot, then suddenly Sebastian was sitting across from me. He wore a crimson button up that made him look absolutely devilish with his black hair and sculpted features. He put his elbows on the table, leaning his chin against his hands. No one else in the small diner seemed to notice his appearance.
“You know, you are a terrible spy.”
I stabbed another piece of toast into my eggs. “I’m not a spy.”
“Is a private investigator not a spy?”
I stuck the toast into my mouth and chewed, glaring at him. I swallowed, then took a sip of my coffee. “I’m not a private investigator either. I’m a night runner. And what the hell did you send me into? Why were those vampires after me?”
“It’s none of your concern.” He lifted a finger, catching the waitress’ attention.
She blinked at him a few times as if only just seeing him, then headed our way.
I leaned forward and lowered my voice. “They were trying to apprehend me, maybe kill me. It is most certainly my business.”
“What did you learn from Lilith?”