Page 41 of Forbidden Dreams
“Baby.” I move my fingers, not stopping from fucking her. “If you hold my cock in your hand, I’m going to ram it down your throat and paint your mouth with my cum.” She looks at me, and I can see that’s exactly what she wants.
“Let me fuck your pussy first, and then I can come in your mouth.” I flick her clit, and she spreads her legs even wider. “You want my cock?” I ask as my fingers play inside her.
“Yes,” she pants out.
“Tell me where you want it.” The dirtier I talk, the wetter she becomes.
“I want it in my mouth,” she says, “or my hand.” She moves her hips with my fingers. “But mostly in my pussy.” She moves her head side to side. “I just want it in me,” she pleads right before I feel her gush around my fingers. I move with her hips until she lies there, her legs falling to the sides as I slide my fingers out of her and get up on my knees. Looking down at her wet pussy, I reach over to the side table, grab a condom, and move back. She’s sitting up, pushing my boxers down over my hips, and my cock is in her mouth. She takes me as far as she’s ever taken me, straining to get me all the way inside her.
I move my cock out of her mouth before bending to kiss her. “Want my cock inside you, baby?” I quiz, sheathing myself. “Lie back and spread yourself for me.” She does what I tell her to do, and I crawl until my cock is right at her entrance. I fist it in my hand before rubbing it up and down her slit and sliding inside her. Our eyes lock on each other as I feed her pussy my cock. “Fuck, you’re tight,” I tell her, trying not to slam into her. She looks down at my cock halfway in her before I pull out and then slide a bit more inside her. She bites her bottom lip as she watches my cock finally disappear all the way into her, her pussy contracting. “You like that, baby?” I ask, pulling out of her and then powering back into her.
“Yes.” She moves her hips back, making me go deeper. “Fuck, Brady.” Her hand moves, and I see her hesitant about touching herself.
“Does your clit need to be touched?” I ask, taking one of her legs and throwing it over my shoulder and slamming into her. She screams at how deep I am. “Is it tingly? Getting tight, wanting to be touched?” All she can do is nod. “Your body is mine,” I tell her. “It’s my clit, and I tell you when you can touch it and when you can’t.” I slam into her over and over again. “Right, baby?” I ask, pulling out when I know she’s about to come but not moving. Her hands grip my hips, trying to pull me into her. “Tell me this is mine.” I lick my thumb and rub her clit with the head of my cock inside her.
“It’s yours.” She doesn’t skip a beat. “It’s all yours.”
“You just saying that so I can fuck you?” I push in ever so slowly; I’m killing myself more than her. “Help me,” I tell her, “touch my clit, baby.” I emphasize my, and she does it. Moving it in little circles around and around as I fuck her as gently as I can without losing control. “Talk to me,” I urge as I slowly pull out of her to the tip and then feed her my cock again, every time it gets tighter and tighter.
“I can’t,” she pants out, “it’s just so good.” She thrusts her hips when I move my cock out, wanting it back. “It’s never been this good.” Her back arches.
“Your pussy”—I move my hips until I’m buried inside her—“is like it was made for me.” I don’t think I’ve ever craved being inside someone before. Like, I could die and go to heaven with my cock buried inside her. “I’m not even done, and I already want to fuck you again.” I pull out. “Next time, I’m fucking you on your knees.”
“Yes.” Her pussy is so tight I can’t move much of my cock out of it. “Don’t stop, please, Brady, don’t stop.”
“Your wish”—I pound into her as hard as I can, my hands on her hips, slamming her onto my cock—“is my fucking command.” My teeth clench together as she comes on my cock, her pussy squeezing so tight. I plant myself in her to the root, looking down at her pussy as I come inside her. I close my eyes to catch my breath before opening and looking down at her. “By the way,” I declare, “you are definitely not leaving now.”
Basking in his heat, he stares into my eyes as I try to catch my breath after having, hands down, the best sex of my life. My hands come up to his face to touch him, memorizing this moment, even though I know in my heart I will never, ever forget it. “By the way, you are definitely not leaving now,” he declares before he bends to touch my lips with his. All words are stuck in my throat as he lowers himself onto me, my body accepting his weight, wanting it, even craving it. He buries his face in my neck, and I close my eyes, taking all of it in. The smell of him, the touch of his lips, the strength of his arms surrounds me as he turns us on our sides and slides out of me. “Have to get rid of this condom.” He kisses my neck one more time before he rolls off the bed.
I turn my head, watching him walk to the bathroom. His perfect body disappears from my view, and I breathe in and out, trying to calm myself down. I feel it creep up on me, but the main thing that my head is screaming is, holy shit, you just had sex with Brady. I hear the water go on in the bathroom, and my heart speeds up even faster with nerves. I turn to sit up in the bed, wondering if I should get up. Wondering what to do next. The panic starts full force, my head spinning, my hands starting to get clammy but also shaking at the same time. He walks out not a second later, catching me with one foot about to hit the floor. “I was coming to clean you.” He walks over to the side of the bed, and I have to look at him, not sure I understand him. “Do you want me to do it, or do you want to do it?” He holds up the white washcloth he brought out.
“Um,” I say, “I can go in the bathroom.” I all but avoid his eyes as I try to get away from him, but he stops me by standing in front of me when I’m about to get up off the bed.
“Baby,” he calls me, and it’s the softness of his voice that gets me. It’s the fact he’s come to me with a cloth to take care of me. It’s the fact I just had the worst couple of days of my life but then had one of the best, all wrapped up together. He reaches out and puts his thumb under my chin, lifting it so he can look at me, and so I can look at him. His beauty takes away my breath and makes my vision blurry with tears. “Harmony,” he murmurs, his eyes searching mine, the worry in his voice as he puts his hands on my face. “Baby.”
“I’m okay.” I swallow. “I swear I’m okay.”
“Then why the tears?” he asks. “Did I?” His face goes white. “Did I hurt you?”
“No,” I quickly reassure him. “That was—” I start to say but close my eyes, wanting the floor to open up and swallow me in embarrassment. “It was just?—”
“I know,” he assures me softly, and I really don’t think he knows. He’s Brady, the bachelor of all bachelors. The one who everyone is waiting to see who he’s going to pick. And he has his pick of many women who come in and try to catch his eye. My stomach almost lurches at that thought because I know, eventually, he’ll move on, and all I will be is a memory.
Again, that thought makes me shed more tears. “I just…” I move off the bed. “I need—” I start to say, and the sound of a phone ringing interrupts. “That could be Ryleigh.”
He hands me the wet cloth in his hand before he turns and walks out of the room. I hear him jog down the stairs, totally okay with walking around naked for everyone to see. I mean, if I had his body, I would do the same. He’s a work of art. I make my way to the bathroom, picking up my clothes on the way. Closing the door behind me, I put my head against the door for a second before walking over to the sink and turning on the water. I look up at myself, seeing my cheeks still are pink from my post-orgasm glow.
I slip my shorts back on, along with my bra and then my top. “Baby,” he says, knocking on the door, “it’s Ryleigh.”
I open the door, seeing him still there naked. My eyes do a sweep of his body, and I can feel the heat creep up my neck. My phone is in his hand. “I didn’t answer, but I’m thinking you should call her back.” I nod at him, reaching out for my phone but stopping when he steps back. “This”—he holds up his hand with the phone in it—“is the only reason I’m not stripping you naked again and taking you back to my bed.” I bite my lower lip, trying to hide the little smile I want to give. I guess I wasn’t half bad if he wants to take me back there, my head cheers me on. “Now I’m going to step in the shower.” He advances to me. “But next time…” He holds the phone out for me, and my hand comes up again to grab it from him. “I leave you naked in my bed, you stay that way until I say so.” My eyes go from the phone to his. “Are we clear?”
“I don’t know,” I answer him honestly.
“What don’t you know?” he asks, and the hand without the phone comes out to grab my hip.