Page 42 of Forbidden Dreams
“You leave me naked in bed; am I supposed to just wait for you to tell me you are done with me?” My voice is tight, and he smirks.
“No, baby.” The smirk turns into a grin. “When I’m done, you are going to know I’m done because you’ll be fucked out of your mind and won’t have the energy to get up and do anything else”—his voice goes lower as my nipples literally pebble—“or else I didn’t do my job.”
“Um…” What does one say to that? “Okay, I might need you to fill me in on some of the parts.” I want to stop my mouth from talking, but my mouth has other plans. “I’ve never been that?—”
“You’ve never been what?” His hand at my hip moves to my ass, and he pulls me into him. My hands go to his chest.
“I’ve never been, um, so tired that I can’t get up,” I admit. I mean, at this point, he’d clearly know if I faked an orgasm, not that I have to. The minute he touches me, my body tingles.
“We’ll get you to the point where you won’t even remember your name,” he declares. “Your body will crave mine. Fuck, I just fucked you, and my cock is getting hard again thinking of you.” I make the mistake of looking down and seeing his cock that was just buried in me, ready to be buried in me again, and my mouth waters. “You keep looking at me like that, I’m not going to care that your lawyer is waiting for you, and I’ll be fucking your mouth before bending you over.” He steps away from me. “Fuck, you want that, don’t you?”
“Yes,” I admit.
“It’s too bad,” he says, “your naps after school drop-off are going to be pushed back a couple of hours, and I’ll be starting work late from now on.” He kisses me. “But if you want to join me in the shower, I can wait.”
I think about it for a couple of seconds, knowing I would kill to take a shower with Brady, but also knowing I have to call Ryleigh back, and he has to get to work. “I’ve already uprooted your life.” I take a deep breath. “So, you go shower.” My brain literally groans out in disapproval. “And I’ll go make coffee for you to go.”
“Okay, baby,” he agrees, bending and kissing my lips. I walk out of the room before I change my mind and follow him into the bathroom.
Going downstairs to the kitchen, I start a fresh pot of coffee for him at the same time I call Ryleigh. “Hey,” she answers after one ring, “called the sheriff’s department.” I can hear her rushing around on her end. “They want you in their office to answer questions.” All the happiness I felt not five minutes ago is gone. “Told them you weren’t saying a word without me there, so they pushed it to tomorrow.”
“Oh my God.” I put my hand on my stomach. “How are you going to get here?” I close my eyes, wondering how much it’s going to cost her and then what it’s going to cost me in terms of travel fees.
“I was going to fly out tonight, but,” she says, “my husband’s uncle is a bit of a control freak, and he found out, and now he wants to come with me.”
“What?” I ask, confused.
“Yeah, and also Casey Barnes is apparently meeting us,” she says and the air rushes out of me.
“Casey Barnes.” I repeat his name, wondering if maybe I heard wrong.
“Charlie is his grandson,” she explains. “Between my husband’s family of a million, and then the Barnes family is just as big as my husband’s, it’s hard to keep track of all of them. But we’ll be there tomorrow morning at nine o’clock.” I put my head back. “The sheriff is expecting us at ten.”
“Okay.” I walk over to a stool to sit down.
“Then I would like to sit with you to discuss a couple of things,” she tells me, “and see what you have.”
“I’m free until three, and then I have to get Wyatt,” I inform her, “then I work.”
“We’ll make sure that we get everything done before. I also have to come home to the kids,” she says, and I can feel the smile in her voice. “They are perfectly okay with Daddy leaving to go to work, but Mom, heaven forbid.”
“Sounds like you have your hands full,” I state, listening to the footsteps from upstairs.
“Then some.” She laughs. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t say a word about anything if they show up. Tell them you want your lawyer.”
“Will do,” I confirm. “Thank you, Ryleigh.”
“No,” she snaps, “thank you. This is the most action I’ve gotten in a while, and I have to say it gets the blood going.” I shake my head. “See you tomorrow.” She hangs up at the same time that Brady walks into the kitchen.
His hair is wet from his shower. “Everything okay?”
“They want to question me,” I reply, and I was expecting for me to freak out, but I’m actually really fucking calm.
“Wasting everyone’s fucking time because the Cartwrights have the sheriff’s balls in their pocket,” he hisses.
“Ryleigh is coming down with Charlie’s grandfather,” I inform him, and unlike me, he’s not surprised by this at all.
He just smiles. “Casey has been waiting, chomping at the bit to take on the Cartwrights. But I think he’s been playing it cool for Autumn. Ever since Casey found out that the Cartwrights almost bankrupted us, he’s been looking at any way to get back at them.”