Page 47 of His Dark Pact
“Sir!” she rasped, her eyes huge as she grappled for something to cling onto, but without her hands, the mission was futile. There was only the stretch of her legs across his lap and the heat and enticing aroma of his body. Everything else vanished as though it had been sucked from the room.
“Wait.” He pressed the word to her mouth, his tongue skimming the inside of her lips as he pumped his cock faster into her needy sex.
Watching the strain amplify on his face, she sensed his own orgasm was near.
“Yes.” She needed him to own her. “Yes, sir.”
Acquiescence was the only option available as the sounds of their sex echoed around the large room. Saying no to him and the pleasure she deserved was simply not an option. Kyle was the sort of man she could never refuse.
She was face to face with him when he toppled, the release evident in the deep pools of his eyes as he finally relinquished its power. Thrusting harder into her, his hands stiffened on her hips.
“Fuck.” He spat the word. “Now, Amy. Now, you come for me.”
As though her clit had been waiting for his order, it brushed the fabric of his suit one more time and detonated her. The intensity pushed her high into the stars as he shuddered beneath her, but all the while, he held her, keeping her safe as she orbited.
At some point, she collapsed onto his hard body, her head burying in the crook of his neck as the lingering spasms of her pleasure snatched her breath away. She remained there, content despite the discomfort of her position, until he eventually eased her upright.
She blushed at his sardonic tone, surprised there could be any embarrassment left for the man who’d already taken her right to the brink. He’d seen her at her weakest, yet still, after all the push and pull between them, he had the power to affect her.
“Yes, sir.” She managed a small smile as he lifted her to her feet.
She had no regrets. Whatever else happened, he’d felt so fucking good, and she’d desperately needed the release.
“Good.” He was on his feet, too, planting kisses on her nape as he moved to untie her.
She groaned at the feel of the caresses, unsure if she could hold her own weight as he tugged at the knots.
“You earned that one, little girl.”
“Thank you.”
Turning her head, she sought the reassurance of his gaze. She had no idea why she felt the need to express her gratitude. He barely warranted it after everything he’d put her through, but standing there, she had the most incredible sense of contentment, as if he’d known precisely what she’d needed and been able to give it to her effortlessly.
Pulling his tie from her wrists, one arm slid around her as he replied, “You’ve got it.”
He pressed a kiss to her cheek before releasing her and guiding her back to her chair. Dazed as her backside grazed the soft seat, she was only vaguely aware that she was still half-naked while he, having already managed to fasten his pants, was fully dressed.
“You’ve had an interesting first day, Amy.” Leaning against the table beside her, he draped the tie around his neck.
“Yes, sir.” She couldn’t believe how light-headed the passion had left her. “You’re right.”
“I usually am.” Reaching for her glass of water, he offered it to her. “You should stay hydrated. Tomorrow starts with breakfast at seven.”
Taking the glass from him, she inhaled. “And will breakfast be like dinner, Mr. Kyle?”
“That’s a tempting thought.” He chuckled as she drained her glass. “But aside from fueling us, breakfast will give us the opportunity to discuss the day ahead.”
“What should I wear, sir?”
Was she actively inviting more of the subjugation that had seen her play his kinky maid for the evening? As she met his knowing eyes, the answer was obvious—yes, she was. She wanted more because, however soul-destroying some of his asks had been, ultimately, she hadn’t done anything she hadn’t wanted to do, and the sex had been spectacular.
“I’ve already taken care of that problem with your uniform, haven’t I?” He motioned to the material caught at her middle.
“Thisis my uniform?” She glanced down at the black silk.
“It’s perfect.” His grin grew as he reached for her left breast. Skimming her goosing skin, his hand rose to her chin and steadied her gaze. “I’ll even let you cover those gorgeous breasts at breakfast.”