Page 71 of His Dark Pact
Her lips stretched wide as she suppressed the final, unvocalized line.
Their time in the sauna had been surprisingly relaxing. She’d expected another torrent of pain and adversity after the pleasure of the hot tub, but he hadn’t delivered one. Instead, they’d talked about her life with Graham, about Jonas’ successes, and about Seth and how he’d ended up in prison. Kyle asked about a myriad of topics she hadn’t even considered sharing, let alone when she was naked in someone else’s sauna and she’d disclosed the personal details.
Because Kyle was no longer a stranger.
Her lips quivered. He had been not so long ago, but she could hardly claim a man she’d shared bodily fluids with on more than one occasion was anything other than her lover. Her boss, yes, but she didn’t need to be clairvoyant to know he’d become much more than that. Even though it was risky to admit, she was becoming attached to his take-charge style.
After the sauna, he’d offered her a soft robe and instructed her to chase down the admin tasks he’d set for her on that first day. Only dinner and his fresh set of commands had insisted she dress in the kinky maid’s outfit yet again.
“That’s true.” He pointed to the rug by his feet. “Join me here, please.”
Her heart rate spiked as she walked forward. He wanted her to sit by his feet, an act that should have been demeaning, yet was oddly comforting as she sank into place.
“How are you doing, little girl?” His hand shifted to her hair, playing with the brown strands as he went on. “Are you okay down there?”
“Yes, sir.”
She bit down on the smile that wanted to rise. It was wrong to relish her submission—or, at least, itshouldhave been—yet giving into him felt so damn liberating, and so far, he’d been good by his word. She’d enjoyed every moment of the pleasure they’d shared and was keen for more of the types of bonuses that left her panting for more. She’d have the money, too, of course. She looked forward to paying off the funeral home debt, but that didn’t mean she didn’t want more of the other things Kyle had to offer.
“I’ve been thinking about our revised agreement.”
“Oh.” Her pulse accelerated. What did that mean? Had he changed his mind about her? Apprehension gnarled in her stomach at the crushing thought. The idea of his rejection shouldn’t sting as much as it did.
“I should have given you the chance to think on the modified terms.” His fingers tightened in her hair. “We never mentioned a sexual relationship when you joined me here, although...” His voice trailed away.
“Although we both thought about it.” She boldly concluded the sentence for him.
If he was talking about their affair so brazenly, then surely there was hope for more? He seemed content to honor the financial terms without question, so whatever happened between them next was pivotal.
“Exactly.” He glanced down at her. “So, it only seems right that we talk it through properly.”
“I liked your proposal, sir.”
She’d thought of little else as she’d made telephone calls that afternoon, and it had been there in her head as she’d collected the courses from Leonard and served them to Kyle. The mutual reciprocation they’d discovered made her heady. That she could abide by his will, become absurdly horny in the process, and receive obliterating orgasms as a reward was astonishingly good.
Too good to be true.
The fact he was still prepared to pay her for her time and, therefore, wipe out most of her debt at the same time seemed impossible to contemplate.
Perhaps she should have felt dirty at the prospect? Like a hooker who was paid by the hour, but leaning into his hand, she realized she didn’t. Amy was empowered by Kyle’s attention. He’d been there for her when no one else had, offering security when she’d been helpless. And now he was offering much more than stability. He proposed pleasure in abundance and a lifestyle—if only for a few days—that she’d scarcely even known existed.
“Tell me what you liked.” He tugged her hair, guiding her focus toward him.
“The sex.” Her face heated at the admission, although there was less shame than there had been. “You’re very good, sir.”
“Thank you.” His lips curled at the compliment. “As are you, little girl.”
“I like the pleasure, sir.” It was easier to be courageous down there on the rug. She felt braver than she had earlier. “I want more of it.”
“That’s good to hear.” He swirled the no-doubt expensive liquor around the glass she’d given him. “Because I do, too. I just... don’t want you to feel like you’ve been exploited.”
She stifled amusement at the disconcerting reality. Kyle had subjugated her from the moment he’d gotten her back to the house, and she, for her part, had done little but cede to his commands. He clearly liked to be dominant, and to her surprise, she’d found freedom and joy in her submission. No wonder the collaboration had been so satisfying. They were like two sides of the same coin.
“I thought you were happy to exploit me, sir.” She smirked, thinking of the outfit she was wearing and the way she’d permitted him to gag and spank her.
Kyle was happy to exploit her, and she was more than happy to be so deliciously misused.
“True.” He lifted the glass to his lips and took a sip. “And with that in mind, I want you out of that dress and on your hands and knees.”