Page 72 of His Dark Pact
Her heart hammered at the stark order, but rising to her knees, she discarded the dress without a second thought and fell forward to fulfill his request.
“Here.” He clicked his fingers, signaling to the place on the rug in front of his feet.
Her brow rose as her gaze followed his fingers to the place he’d indicated, but she moved regardless, crawling forward into position.
“Like this, sir?”
“Perfect.” One of his dark eyebrows arched. “Can you guess what comes next?”
“I...” The muscles between her legs contracted as she did just that.
He wanted her there, by his feet while he enjoyed his drink, because what... Her mind was in freefall, but it didn’t take long for her to accept there could only be one reason.
“I don’t know, sir.”
In the end, she didn’t know if it was her mortification at the reality or the desire to hear him say it that had provoked her answer.
“Oh, I think you do.” He leaned forward and swatted her prone backside.
She gasped at the blow, feeling the hurt resonate at her tingling core. Christ, that was good. Better than it had any right to be.
“But that’s okay,” he continued, trailing one, then two fingertips along the curve of her backside. “I’m going to help you, little girl.”
“Thank you, sir.” Her tone was raspy as his digits explored her.
“I’m going to use you as my footrest.” His smile stretched across his handsome face. “And once I’ve finished my drink, I’ll judge how well you’ve completed the task.”
His response was everything she’d expected, yet hearing his intention spoken aloud was still a disturbing mix of fear and exhilaration. The man sought to employ her as a piece of furniture—it should have been downright outrageous—but dwelling on his meaning, she registered only her heat and the way her breasts ached for his touch.
She yearned for what he promised, wanted to feel the weight of those shiny shoes on the small of her back. Playing his footrest was a new and exceptionally titillating way of proving useful, but it only represented another way to be of service.
“How well can you perform the function? Can you keep still for the duration? Are you providing me with comfort? Those are the things you’ll be judged on.”
She fought hard to subdue the whimper that threatened to escape her throat. “Yes, sir.”
“If you disappoint, then I’ll have you up here for a spanking before I dismiss you for the night.”
Pulling in a shaky breath, she nestled her splayed fingers between the rug’s long fibers. Surely, she shouldn’twantto be spanked. She should ignore the rising temperature in her body and the way her limbs trembled. She shouldn’twantany of this.
“If, though...” He paused, settling back in his seat, and she had the distinct impression the posturing was for dramatic effect. “If you do an admirable job, then I’ll make sure you come even harder than you did this morning.”
“Yes.” Her head lowered as the confession rattled from her. “I want that, sir.” She failed to mention how both the reward and the repercussion sounded delightful—all that her animal body had ever wanted.
“I know you do.” His tone was cocky as he lifted one, then the other ankle onto her back. “So, settle down, little girl. Your challenge begins now.”