Page 39 of Willow
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I’ve gonetothe penthouse more times than I care to count while she’s been gone. Trying to replay everything that happened on our last night together. I suppose I’m trying to make sense of the whole thing. Especially her reaction, and whether I could have handled it better than I did. Perhaps not. Since I wasn’t expecting such an emotional outburst from her. When I think about what she lost in a matter of hours, I ache for her. The gut-wrenching torture that she must have faced losing her lover and her father all in one night is heartbreaking. It’s no wonder she’s smiling on the outside but dying on the inside.
Not to mention the fact that she just handed me her broken necklace. As if that happening had severed the last ties between her and Brodie. I’m guessing at a relationship that I just don’t understand. Maybe one day she’ll embellish, but I certainly understand if she wants to keep it to herself. God knows I’ve wanted to tell her about Cadence several times and stopped myself. I’ve no idea if this will all work out in the end. It’s the only reason I’ve held back for as long as I have.
I hate the fact that she’s so far away. Bouncing from one city to the next. The few times I’ve called, she sounded tired but happy. That’s all I really want—for her to move forward and embrace all that is good in her life. If, down the road, Cadence and I could be a part of that, well, I’d be one lucky son of a bitch. Willow is without a doubt the most beautiful, selfless, and resilient woman I’ve ever met.
My mother has been my hero all of my life. More so now since Cadence was born. She’s the reason I’m going to Newark and flying into Dallas to spend some time with Willow. It’s their travel day, which means they’ll have two days off and I plan on spending as much time as I can with her. I feigned a business meeting so it wouldn’t appear suspicious to anyone. I’m making the effort to put myself out there, which I’ve never done with any other woman. Ever. Willow’s the exception to the rule.
Now, I have a few days to catch up on business before leaving. One of those things is making the official announcement thatRebel Riothas signed withMorris Music. It’s now official and they go into the recording studio in a week’s time to record their first album on the new label. It’s difficult juggling everything all at once. It’s one of the reasons I’m so grateful I have so many wonderful people working for me that make it all happen. Don’t worry. They’re not complaining. I take very good care of them, and with the exception of a few of my PAs they never leave.
When there’s a knock on my door, I know it’s Grace letting me know it’s time for the conference. I push out of my chair and in a few strides I’m opening before she knocks again. “Conference in five.”
“Thanks, Grace. I was just on my way. Is everything all set for Wednesday?”
“All set. The jet will land in Newark to pick up you andThe Sinful Sevencrew. Then you’ll have a direct flight to Dallas. Weather’s supposed to be beautiful.” She thinks of everything.
“Thank you. I knew I could count on you to get it all done. I bet the band will be surprised when they have an unexpected guest.”
“I’m sure Harry will let them know. You know how he hates surprises.” Oh, I most certainly do.
When I step outside for the impromptu news conference, Kate’s waiting for me. I’m not surprised to see all the paparazzi and some fans in the crowd. It’s a bigger turnout than I anticipated. Holding up my hand, I wait until two and then start.
“I would like to announce thatRebel Riotis now officially signed withMorrisMusic! We only acquired their contract afterAriaso maliciously broke theirs. They had every right to seek another record label, and we’re so pleased they decided to come on board with us. They’ll go into the studio next week to record their first album and then a world tour will be planned for early next year. If you have any questions, Kate, my PA, will be glad to answer them for you.”
Now, I hope that Zander Stone won’t make me regret my decision about signing them on. If so, he can be replaced and the show will go on. It’s in the fine print of their contract. I’ve no doubt he’s aware since their lawyer picked it apart. They could make millions if he walks the straight and narrow. Let’s hope that his other bandmates can keep him in line.
The next few hours fly by since I’m trying to tie up all my loose ends before leaving on Wednesday. At five o’ clock, I decide to call it a day. I want to go home and have dinner with my favorite girl and maybe get a workout in before she goes to bed. Grace prevents me from doing so when she quickly knocks and walks in.
“I’m so sorry to bother you, Mr. Morris. There’s a woman outside who insists on talking to you. I mentioned you were on a conference call—the reason I didn’t buzz you. She said her name is Allie and you’d be more than happy to see her.” She’s got her fucking nerve showing up at my place of business. Oh, I’ll see her all right, but not without my lawyer.
“Let her in, and the moment I close the door, call my lawyer. If you mention her name, he’ll be here ASAP. And Grace—Once he gets here you can leave for the evening. I don’t want you here because it could get ugly.”
I confess,I watchedCaleb’s press conference on the way to sound check last night. Quinn pulled it up on her phone and I just so happened to be sitting next to her. My Boss Man is so damn hot, I almost came just from listening to that smooth-as-whiskey voice. It does all kinds of funny things to my insides. I hate to admit it, but I think they’re right. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. I’ve been fighting it and him since my birthday party. It’s not working. The man’s persistent, I’ll give him that.
Our pilot, Harry, already warned us that Caleb would be joining us. Hey, I can’t argue with that since Caleb’s kind enough to let us use his company jet. It sure beats using the tour bus and driving in our SUV like we did last year. It was getting a little crowded since we took on Abby and Quinn. The jet’s faster and so much more comfortable. Not to mention we have more downtime than travel time.
Oh, speak of the devil, he’s texting me now.
Caleb:Evening, love. Just a head’s up I’ll be flying with you to Dallas in the morning.
Me:That’s the rumor going around, Boss Man. Too bad I won’t see you, I’m taking the red eye out tonight.
That’s a bold-faced lie, but I just love making him squirm.
Caleb:Do not test my patience, Willow. You’ll do no such thing.
Now you understand why he earned that nickname. He’s so damn bossy. Oh, and technically he’s my boss too.
Me:Too bad there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.
Caleb:That’s where you’re wrong. Believe me, you don’t want to piss me off.