Page 40 of Willow
Me:See you in Dallas, Boss Man.
Let him mull that over for the next twelve hours. Will she or won’t she be on that plane? I love fucking with him from time to time.
“What’s so funny? Who you texting, Willow?” Trevor is such a nosy busybody.
“None of your business. When were you going to tell me you’re fucking around with Melody?”
“Hey, keep your voice down. She might think I’m talking bad about her.” Melody’s the lead singer for our opening act,Reckless Melody. Original, right? Not!
“If you guys are done whispering, it’s time to get a move on. We have a concert, remember?” Lucas is so funny I forgot to laugh.
We all pile into the limo, and I can’t help but feel the excitement in the pit of my stomach when I think of Caleb being here tomorrow. Now that I know Trevor is keeping busy with Melody, there wouldn’t be any reason for me not to spend some time with Caleb. I don’t know if I’m ready to take the plunge like Lucas and Jet with Abby and Quinn, but it would be nice to know someone’s waiting for me once I get home. It’s long overdue, and I’d like to think that Brodie would approve. I know he’d want me to be happy. I miss my locket, so, so much, and reach for it all the time. It might be a good thing it’s broken. It’s the only way I can move on.
An hour later we’re backstage watchingReckless Melodyperform. I must admit, she has a set of pipes. Just like Lucas. She could be the female version of him. Oh god, I’m going to think of that on stage now and crack up. Feels good to smile. It’s been a long time and I have Caleb to thank. As difficult as it was to purge my soul that night in the penthouse, I think it was long overdue.
I’d bottled up my feelings for so long that when it exploded, it was volatile. I’m so grateful that Caleb didn’t hate me for all the mean and nasty things I said and did while I was absolving myself of all this guilt. Caleb made me realize that it was my father who pulled the trigger, not me.
“Time to gather around in a circle,” Lucas says, onceReckless Melodyhas finished their set. It’s a tradition he started on our very first concert, and it’s stuck ever since.
Once everyone’s in position, Lucas wraps his arm around Abby’s shoulder and then Quinn’s. Now, we are one circle, symbolizing infinity. We all bow our heads and wait for our lead man to continue. “I want all of you to know, there’s no one else I want to do this with but you. You’re my backbone, my heart, and my fucking team. Whether or not you believe in a higher power, we didn’t get here today on our own. Someone’s watching out for us. Now, let’s have the best night ever!” Lucas starts singingDistraction,and one-by-one we follow.
“‘Cause you’re a distraction
A fatal attraction
Seeping into my bones
Running through my veins…”
Once the song ends, we let the stagehands change out sets and then wait for our cue. The crowd chanting our names never gets old.
This, right here right now, is what we live and die for.
* * *
After kissingmybaby girl and giving her tons of hugs to tide us over, I’m off to the airport to see my other favorite girl. I can’t wait to kiss the fuck out of her, and I don’t give a shit who’s watching. No more hiding. That ends today.
When the limo pulls into the hangar, I barely wait until it comes to a complete stop before I’m out the door. I have my sights set on a stunning brunette who’s standing by the stairs with her back to me. Not for long, when her cousin points in my direction. When she spins around, she hesitates. Then I open up my arms and she knows: no more hiding. She’s laughing as her hair billows in the breeze behind her, and when she gets close enough, she flings herself in my arms. She wraps her legs around my waist and crushes her mouth with mine. Finally I get to taste what I’ve been missing for over a month.
Slow, languid licks turn savage as I nip and bite her bottom lip, wanting to devour her. My cock’s hard as a rock with every inhale.
“Get a fucking room why don’t you?” Trevor needs to keep himself in check or I’m going to lose my shit.
Willow’s the first to pull away when she realizes we have an audience. “Caleb—”
“I had my lawyers check the contract. There’s not a damn clause in there that stops us from being together. Apparently I didn’t think I’d be sleeping with any of my clients so I never had a reason to add it in.” She squeals like a damn teenager and my heart thunders inside my chest. Waking up what I thought was dead for so long.
“If you two love birds are finished, we’d like to leave.” Lucas isn’t threatened by me. Jet and Trevor are another matter.
Jumping to the ground, Willow grabs my hand and we walk towards the plane with five sets of eyes on us. As we get closer, I overhear Quinn warning them, “She looks happy, so keep your mouths shut. You got it?” They don’t say a word, but if looks could kill, I’d be a dead man walking.
“Ladies, gentlemen, it’s so nice to be traveling with all of you today. Let’s take our seats. We have a flight to catch.” Willow squeezes my hand as I guide her over to the window. Once she sits, I bend down and buckle her in. Stealing a kiss as I do. “I missed you, love.”
“Missed you too, Boss Man.” It’s funny how you could hear a pin drop inside this plane. I guess we left them all speechless. That’s a first.
“Willow and I are together. You can all close your mouths and take a seat.” I dare them to make a move.