Page 31 of Flawless Lyric
“Funny thing is, you’ve already met her, and you love her as much as I do.” Holding my breath, I wait for what’s to come next.
Walking around the table with her hands on her hips, she asks, “Who is she, Micah?”
Even though she’s only five feet tall, she’s very intimidating when she’s staring you down. “Lyric Montgomery. Your new office manager.”
“You’re joking, right?” When I don’t answer, she knows I’m as serious as it gets.
“Ruth, our son came here today to let us know about the woman he fell in love with. Think before you speak.”
Sitting down, she grabs my hand. Which translates to I’m in big trouble.
“How well do the two of you know each other, Micah?” Oh, here we go.
“Some people get married after just a few days, Mom.” When she looks like she’s going to faint, I quickly add, “We’re still getting to know each other, but didn’t you tell me that you’re still learning about Dad?”
“Yes, but we have forty years of history together. You need to understand that people change and grow with each other over time so there’s always something new to discover about them.”
There’s no fucking way I’m going to tell my parents that she was just a one-night stand until I ran into her here. That’s none of their business and too much for them to handle.
“Did you know that Lyric’s just been through a messy divorce?” she says. “That her ex-husband was a narcissistic prick who controlled her every breath? Who didn’t allow her to work so he could have a built-in babysitter, chef, housekeeper, hostess, secretary? The list goes on and on. She’s just finding herself again and now you come along with hearts in your eyes. It’s too soon, Micah. If you love her you’ll let her find her own way. If it’s meant to be it will happen.”
What the fuck?
“Ruth…” Holding up her hand she storms out of the room.
“Did she just take Lyric’s side and kick me to the curb?” I ask Dad, dumbfounded. “Did she make me the villain? Last I checked, it takes two.” Finishing my beer, I slam it a bit too hard on the table, frustrated that this is the kind of reaction I just received from my own mother.
“Give her some time, son. She loves her like a daughter and is very protective of her after everything she’s been through. Tell me. Did Lyric confide in you?” No, and I feel like shit for not knowing.
“Apparently not as much as she’s confided in Mom.” Maybe Lyric was right. It was too soon to tell my mother.
* * *
I’m finally havingdinner with Donna tonight since she’s in town again on business. It’s going to be great catching up with her. I felt horrible that I missed her last time around. Instead of her picking me up, I decided to meet her at the hotel where she’s staying. They have a wonderful restaurant there and it seemed pointless to go somewhere else. And if we have a bit too much to drink, she’ll let me crash in her room instead of driving home.
Slipping out of my work clothes, I grab something clean out of the closet. I opt for a short-sleeved shift dress with a pair of heels. It’s elegant yet dressy. It’s the total opposite of how I dress at work since I very rarely receive any clients. I’m not complaining since it gives me the perfect reason to dress casually. I have the best of both worlds.
After touching up my makeup, I grab my purse and jump in my car. I’m excited to touch base with my one and only friend I’ve kept in touch with since high school. Jeff made sure to chase them all away, but Donna never gave up on me. She knew it wasn’t me trying to end our friendship. It was all on Jeff.
Thankfully the rush hour traffic has slowed. There’s nothing better than spending some quality time with a good friend to play catch-up. This will be the first time I actually get together with her since my divorce.
“Welcome to The Blakley. Do you have a reservation or are you a guest at the hotel?” The cute little blonde looks about twelve, but I know for a fact she needs to be eighteen in order to be a hostess here.
“I’m meeting a friend. Donna Donavan.”
“Perfect timing. She just arrived. Follow me, please.”
It’s been a few years since I’ve been here, and by the looks of it, they’ve made a ton of improvements. It’s a more modern space with warm tones and an eclectic vibe. Very classy. I love it.
The minute I see Donna sitting at a corner booth, I stop short from making a fool out of myself. Her smile is infectious, and she meets me halfway.
“Girl, you’re glowing. Divorce agrees with you.” Okay, I’ll go with that, but I know it’s all Micah.
“Right back at you, love. You’re as gorgeous as ever. Can’t wait to catch up. It’s been far too long.”
We hug each other so tight, rocking back and forth. Just like the old days. After a peck on each cheek, I slide in and set my purse on the table next to me.