Page 32 of Flawless Lyric
“Seriously, Lyric. You’ve always been a beautiful woman, but you look so relaxed and happy. I’m so proud of you for doing what you needed to do. Most women aren’t brave enough to just let go after twenty years.”
“Aw, thank you. It was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make, but it was the right one for me. Unfortunately, Novalee blames me for ripping the family apart. Maybe one day she’ll come around. Now she’s at school in Cali and that great big house is lonely, but peaceful.”
I’m surprised when a waitress drops off a few menus along with our drinks. I haven’t ordered anything yet.
“Thank you, Maria. I hope you don’t mind that I ordered ahead. I’ve never known you to order something other than a glass of white with dinner, but I can call her over if you want.”
“No, it’s perfect. Thank you.” A quick sip and I know she did good. “I take it business is booming. It seems like you’re always traveling these days.”
“Absolutely. I could easily sit behind my desk and pump out financial statements left and right, but I like to be hands-on. Seeing is believing, right? It’s why I love my presentations.” She chuckles, but I know she loves the hustle and bustle as a financial manager. And she’s damn good at it, too.
“I don’t know about you but I’m starving. Let’s check out the menu. We have all night to chat and catch up. I’m ecstatic that you remembered to show up.” Now I’m the one laughing.
Flipping open the menu, I apologize again. “I feel horrible that I missed you.”
“Stop. I’m busting on you, babe. It all worked out since I messed up too. My flight was earlier than I first thought. We’re here now and that’s all that matters.”
We both peruse the menu, and I’ve narrowed it down to a few entrees when I get the feeling I’m being watched. Glancing up, I try not to scream when I see Micah escorting a gorgeous blonde through the dining room. What the hell? With a smile and a wink in my direction they disappear into a private room. He didn’t look guilty for having his hand on the crack of her ass, and he even acknowledged my presence. Did he know I was here? Stop it, Lyric. There has to be a reasonable explanation for all of this.
“Are you ready to order or do you need more time?” the waitress asks. I can’t think straight enough to answer, so I just stare at her.
“Give us a few more minutes, please,” Donna says. As soon as the waitress walks away, Donna grabs my hand. Clearly she noticed my sudden change in demeanor. “Are you okay, babe?”
Am I? No, if I’m being honest. Then again, my best friend doesn’t know about my new boyfriend either. Maybe it’s best I didn’t confide in her since he’s here with another woman.
“Couldn’t be better. There are just so many wonderful choices on this menu I can’t make up my mind.”
When the server comes back, she drops off another two drinks. Then we both order the baked salmon with lemon and thyme. I’ve lost my appetite but there’s always takeout.
“Thanks for the drinks,” I say as I take a refreshing sip.
“Um, I just ordered the first two. I thought you ordered these.” We both stare at each other and then it dawns on me. Did Micah buy us these drinks?
No way. Maybe? How am I going to explain this one?
“Maybe we have a secret admirer somewhere in this room.” Donna chuckles as if that could never happen.
“Why is that so damn funny? We’re two beautiful women having a night out. I’m sure there are tons of men in this room who find us attractive.”
I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach when she glances over my shoulder and his woodsy cologne wraps around me like a warm embrace. No. Oh no.
Micah slides into the seat beside me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. Oh, this is not good. I was going to give us more time before telling her I’m in another relationship. With a younger man, no less.
“Fancy meeting you here, Beauty.” He looks me in the eye and I swear he’s going to dive in for a kiss but changes his mind at the last minute. Must be the fear written all over my face. “You must be Donna. I’ve heard so much about you.” He lets me go long enough to reach over and shake her hand. “I’m Micah. Lyric’s new boyfriend.”
Donna quirks a brow and I know what she’s thinking. I’m a mind reader since I’ve known her for so long.
“It’s nice to meet you, too, Micah. Oh, and thanks for the drinks.”
“My pleasure, and just an FYI. Lyric is right. Any man in this room would be honored to buy both of you beautiful women a drink tonight. Myself included. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get going. I’m having dinner with the publishers of Music Weekly and I don’t want to keep them waiting. We’ll talk later, Beauty.”
Leaning over, he brushes his lips with mine and my heart soars. Apparently, the man is not afraid of a little PDA. Am I? Truth is I am, because what if his parents were in the room? It would be one hell of a way for them to find out that I’m sleeping with their son. Good god, I dread the thought.
Donna goes dead silent as we both watch Micah disappear into the same room I watched him escort that sexy blonde just a few minutes ago. Although now I know she’s part of the magazine, so I don’t feel quite as upset as I was before.
“Um, that’s Micah Monroe. My new boyfriend. I was going to tell you all about him while we were eating dinner.” Liar, liar, pants on fire.
“Babe, you have some explaining to do.” Yeah, I was afraid she was going to say that.